Chapter 4 Hurt?

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[Springtrap's POV]

I woke up and started to worry about Deliah. 'What if she got hurt somehow? What if the choices I made, made her make a diffrent choice and she got hurt?!' I thought in a panic.

As I was busy having a panic attack, the front door opens. "Springy I'm home!" Deliah said.

I gasped and ran over to her. 'She was okay!' I thought.

"Oh my god! You're okay!" I said, hugging her.

She hugged back. "Oh, I'm sorry Springtrap. Me and Harry, we really hit it off today huh?"

I sighed in relief. She noticed "Hey Springy, you alright?" She asked.

"I- I was so worried about you! I didn't know if you were lost, or hurt somehow!" I said.

"I'm sorry. I should've been home faster. It's my fault." She said.

"J-just try not to do it again, okay?" I said.

"Alright." She said letting go of the hug.

I sighed. "W-wanna watch a movie before you go to bed?" I asked.

"Sure!" She said.

"Alright, i'll make popcorn." I said.

Time skip

The movie was almost over. I noticed that Deliah was hugging me. I smiled. I put my arm around her. We finished the movie and she yawned. "Alright, I think it's time for you to sleep." I said.

"Yeah." She said.

I picked her up and took her to your room. "You know I can walk right?" Deliah said.

"Nonsense." I said as she laughed.

I set her down on her bed and tucked her in. "Alright, sleep tight Deliah. Love ya." I said rubbing her hair.

We both heard the front door open "Deliah, I'm home!" Nick said.

"Dad!" Deliah said, sitting up.

"Wait wait! I just got you tucked in! I'll go get him." I said, walking out of the room.

I met Nick in the living room. "Sorry I'm home so late." He said to me.

I sighed. "Deliah was over at Harry's house all day." I said, trying to be happy for them.

"What? That's great!" He said.

"She was gone for nine hours. I was so worried about her." I said.

He flinched. "Nine hours? Jeez." He said.

I sighed. "She's in her room if you wanted to see her." I said.

"Alright. Oh and Springtrap?" Nich said.

'What? What's this about?' I asked myself.

"What's up Nick?" I asked.

"Th-thanks for taking care of Deliah when I'm gone. It's nice to not have to pay a baby sitter to watch her." He said.

My heart warmed again. "O-oh, it- it's not a problem Nick." I said.

He walked ibto Deliah's room and closed the door. I smiled. 'Nick does seem to not hate me.' I thought. I laid down on the couch and decided to sleep.

Time skip. A few weeks later.

I was playing Hide and seek with Deliah. I hid in a closet, but got out when I heard her walk by. She had her back turned. This was my chance to scare her! I got behind her and I was- "I know you're there, dude. You can't scare me." She said.

"Argh! I was so close! Okay, you need to tell me. When did you get so hard to scare?" I asked.

"Being friends with a giant bunny costume who jumps out at you while you're playing Hide and Seek made me pretty tough, I guess-"

She got scared by the phone ringing. I chuckle. "Not scared of a creepy living bunny suit, but of a telephone ringing. That's my Deliah." I said ammused.

"I- I better go anwser that." She said embarresed.

It was her Dad. "Hello..? ... Oh, hi Dad. ... Yeah fast food sounds good for dinner. We do need to go grocery shopping soon... No, Springtrap hasn't been bothering me. You know he's always being sweet to me. Why bring this up? ... Alright, see you tonight." She said, hanging up.

"Well, now that that's out of the way, it's your turn to seek now, bunny man." She said. "And this time, I'm gonna win."

"Sure you will Dels." I said.

"Well what are you waiting for? Start counting." She said.

"Alright, alright. One, two, three." I said continuing to count.

'Oo, I got a idea. I'll let her win this time! And pretend that she won fair! I'll bake her the cookies after. She'll like that.' I thought as I was counting. I already knew where she was hiding. 

"30!" I said loud enough for her to hear. "Ready or not, here I come!" I said.

After about three minutes, I walked into the bathroom. "Deliah~! Where are you?" I said.

I checked behind the curtains of the shower. "A-HA!" I said.

I heard her giggle in the closet. I left the room to check somewhere else. I heard the bathroom door open again. Then, her small footsteps running somewhere else. "I heard that Deliah!" I said, running into the room she ran into. I looked around. I saw her behind the couch. I pretened I like I didn't see her. I went into the kitchen and looked around. I returned to the living room. "Huh..." I said, going back to the bathroom.

I stayed at the back of the house for the rest of the ten minutes. I walk back into the living room and call out "Alright Deliah! You won!" I said with my back turned to her. 

She snuck up behind me and scared me. I jumped and she laughed, I blushed a little. "Hey! That's MY job!" I said.

"Well it backfired didn't it?" She said.

"That's it! Come here you-!" I said chasing her around. 

She ran, but then ran out of energy and stopped and caught her. "You're gonna pay for taking my job!" I said playfully.

"No, you mean YOU"RE gonna pay." She said smiling.

She was talking about the cookies. I sighed. "You're right. C'mon. Catch your breath, I'll start on the cookies." I said.

"Yay!" She said, as she sat at the table.

End of Chapter 4

Springtrap and Deliah Springtrap's second chanceWhere stories live. Discover now