Before you read.

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Hello! This is an alternative world, kind of like dsmp, so if anything happens you think is crossing theyre boundaries remind yourself it's not them.

It's an alternative them, because I can't read fantasy, with the dsmp , like the goats and stuff, I just can't read that, so it's gonna be theyre personalities but altered.

I hope that makes sense?

And if it doesn't comment and I'll try to explain it in a better understanding for you<3

These are one shots mostly but if I make multiple parts I'll add "pt.1 , pt2 , pt.3 " ect

Things I won't be writing
•major death
•rape , sexual assault
•stuff with bpd (triggers me)

Thing I will be writing
•sleeping in same bed
•slight pecks on cheek or forehead
•anger issues, insomnia, sleepwalking


I hope you enjoy.

beeduo bc nobody writes abt them&lt;3Where stories live. Discover now