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Tzuyu and Jungkook were both walking out heading to the car. And Lisa, she was still standing there with her blank face and her hands tied together next to her thighs.

TZUYU: lisa! We're gonna be going now!
LISA: oh u-uh okay!

As much as she was happy for her date, tzuyu was quite concerned for her older sister. She felt like something was wrong. Even though whatever was going on, she wouldn't do anything about it, she still cared about her older sister.

TZUYU: lisa, are you.. okay?
LISA: yes [nervous laughter] everything is totally fine!
TZUYU: oh umm... okay bye then! Take care!

Lisa waved to her younger sister while giving her a weak smile. After she heard the door close, she dropped down on the couch with her palms on her eyes with a groan.

LISA: WHAT AM I GOING TO DO? UGH, I'M HOPELESS. I'm just gonna call Jisoo, Jennie and Rosé to come over.

After her best friends arrived, lisa dragged all 3 of them to her room.

JISOO: slow down, sonic the hedgehog! What's the matter?
LISA: it's Tzuyus boyfriend! HE is the problem!
JISOO: if it's Tzuyus boyfriend then what do we have to do with it?
LISA: no no no! He told me that he had feelings for me! And he wants to go on a date with me!
JENNIE: why don't you just decline the offer? It's THAT easy!
LISA: see the truth is... I like him.
ROSÉ: but lisa, that makes him a cheater! And he's your sister's fiancé not yours!
LISA: I know...but, he's everything I've ever wanted in a guy. Sweet, handsome, funny. What else could a guy ever have?
JISOO: money! Ooh lah lahh
LISA: that's not funny! I really need some help. I just wish he wasn't so cute when he smiles.
JENNIE: but you guys just met 2 days ago! How do you like him of just 2 days of knowing each other.
LISA: Tzuyu would come home from dates and talk about him alot. Let me break it down

The First Date
Lisa, I'm home!
How was your date?
It was amazing! We had so much fun together
Well what's this "jungkook" dude like anyway?
He's so tall and handsome as hell!
Slow down Taylor Swift! Get into more details
Oh well he took me out to a very fancy restaurant. He's such a gentleman! Then we went to the theatre and watched our favourite movie together! And then the day ended off with a kiss at the front door!
Awww that's so sweet! He sounds like such an amazing guy.
He really is!

The First Trip
You're finally back! How'd the trip go?
Lisa! You wouldn't believe what he did!
If he's a player then imma go kick his ass! I'm gonna go bring my boxing gloves.
Wait no no no! Jungkook actually proposed!
oh my god are you being serious right now! I'm so happy for you!
Thank you! You'll notice my eyelashes lookin' kinda like Betty boop's but that's just because I cried alot! [laughs]

LISA: and that's basically what happens.
ROSÉ: Lisa. You know that you're terrified of taking a shot at love. And now that you found the perfect guy for you I feel like you should follow your heart.
JISOO: but the problem is, her heart wants to be with jungkook. And that'll make her sister very upset!
JENNIE: guys chill! She probably just needs some time alone!
LISA: exactly. Thank you, Jennie!
ROSÉ: okay we'll leave you to be! Call us if you need us!

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