Kacchan help me! HAHAHAHA

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Once I was done talking to the heroes, I immediately had to speak with Kacchan. I knew that this was all soon over and I wanted him to regret what he did to me. I wanted to let him know that he was the reason and also try to make him a lost soul one that was grieving because of his past choices. Regret was the last thing he should have in mind.

Me: Ohh Kacchan~!

Bakugo: Fucking what?

Me: Do you remember when we used to play together?

Bakugo: ...

Me: Do you remember the time we used to play together before we got 4?

Bakugo: ...

Me: Ohh how I loved playing with you. Do you still remember the promise we made together?

Bakugo: ... yes....

Me: What happened of it? I was soo looking forward to it. You know I still hold on to that promise even after I learned that I was quirkless.

Bakugo: ... Tsk!

Me: You do know that quirkless doesn't mean stupid or useless. I could have been your supportive character the one backing you up... but you never gave me a chance...

Baku: I am sorry Deku.

Me: Me sorry why? You made me who I am today! Isn't this what you ever wanted?

Bakugo: I... No!

Me: But Kacchan, was this not the reason why you made me play the villain all the time? Was this not to prepare me for all this?

Bakugo: NO! I never fucking wanted this!

Me: Then why? Why did you hurt me soo much?!

Bakugo: I... I don't know! I... Deku if I could change anything... believe me I fucking would! Deku please stop this.

Me: Stop?! NOW?! Ohh Kacchan.... no villain would do that. Besides what do you expect me to do? I can't just leave or end... I ... Kacchan... it's too late for me.

Bakugo: Deku... It's fucking not!

Iida: I can assure you that we can help you! That is after all a hero's duty.

Momo: Tenya is right! It's never too late.

Me: ... I just can't! You don't understand!

Todoroki: Then explain it to us so we can understand.

Bakugo: Deku you can fucking come back! Do you even know how fucking worried Aunty Inko is?

Me: ... she never cared... no one did....

Bakugo: That is not fucking true!

Me: I am simply a nobody. . . This . . . this is why I decided to do to what you always taught me.

Bakugo: What's that fucking supposed to mean?

Me: You trained me and molted my body so that it can't feel any pain anymore.

Iida: Bakugo what did you do?

Todoroki: I understand how it feels like to be molded into something one didn't want to be.

Me: Oh, I am sure you know after what your father did to you. I would even go so far as to say he is a huge pile of trash that needs to be incinerated or in his case to cool him off with some liquid nitrogen.

Todorki: We will be great friends.

Me: You really would be willingly enough to befriend a quirkless kid?

Todoroki: Why not?

Momo: We all would do that.

Me: No... I can't... this is wrong... I am a villain now. I did what Kacchan wanted me to do. I became a villain. The most terrifying and cunning there ever was.

Bakugo: Deku.. I mean Izuku... I fucking never wanted this to be!

Me: Then why? Why did you make me like this?

Bakugo: I... I am fucking sorry.

And there it was again. I hated that sentence out of every other one the most. This was the one I heard all my life. The one I despised the most and the one I got to hear over and over again. I had enough of it.

Me: Kacchan... Know that whatever happens is all your fault! Yours and the stupid heroes I looked upon every single day. No one ever wanted to look at me or even help me!

Bakugo: IZUKU!

Me: I am just a quirkless kid! A waste of space, a useless thing, a bastard, an abomination of nature!

Bakugo: ... DEKU!

Me: Isn't that what you told me time over time again?! Do you know how long I endured being called like that? Do you know how it feels like being watched upon, needing to hide and always bow and respond to every single command?

Bakugo: ... I...

Me: Do you know how it feels like being beaten up until losing consciousness every day?

Bakugo: I am sorry....

Me: Do you know what it feels like to never being able to be ... one self?... wanting to end one's life every day?... wanting to just be different be like the others?

Bakugo: .... I...

Me: No? Then there is nothing you can do!

I then ended the conversation and started laughing hysterically.

What a great performance I made!

I really am a great actor!

It's not like that someone ever saw threw my smile or even my happy go nothing person.

I should in fact thank you, my dear old friend.

While I was laughing, I could see Bakugo's expression and it was grim. For the first time I saw regret in his eyes and in his facial express. He was regretting everything and that was just my plan. Though it was true that he was the one that made me be who I am and for that I am grateful, I still wanted to end all of their lives. This was what I always wanted. It was always stuck in my mind. The blood, the way they scream and the look in their eyes once they realize what happen. I was always imagining this in my mind. Never spoke a word about it to anyone nor did I write my ideas of how to torture people down. They were all safe in my mind, in my head.

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