Let's have a... little talk!

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3rd POV:

Nezu: Everyone ready?

No one dared to answer the rat as no one was mentally ready for what was following this plan. The heroes were ready to make a public announcement after what just happened. It was a way they wanted to make Nobody talk to them in person. It was if not their only way to try and rescue and get as many information out of the kid as possible.

Power Loader quickly began working and not long after that Nezu was life on TV where Izuku would show Japan on what kind of villain he could be or more like what kind of villain he was.

Nezu: Hello Nobody, I invite you to join me for a talk over some tea.

At first no reply but they soon heard the reply of a female's voice coming from the screen where they could see and hear Nezu echoing.

Nobody: Oh my... Hello Nezu!

Nezu: Nice to see you joining me.

Nobody: I was bored either way just like a certain other chimera. But do tell me how do you like my show?

Nezu: Intriguing to say the least but the rooms quizzes are quite simple.

Nobody: They really are, aren't they! I wanted to make them a lot harder but the heroes are even struggling right now they would have all died in the first round which would be no fun at all.

Nezu: Why not let them all go?

Nobody: And why should I do that?

Nezu: Enough already died. We all got your message by now.

Nobody: Oh really.

Nezu: It was hard for you living quirkless. I assure you that things will change.

Me: Ohh they will but for the better or the worse I can't tell.

Nezu: I guess this is a no. I already thought that you would say something similar. Now shall we discuss your conditions on letting them all go?

Me: Conditions... Hmmmm... I don't think you are in the position to say something like that. You still haven't found me yet! Ohh and tracking me down over this communication is just a waste of time. Ahh and tell Power Loader that he can stop doing that or I'll end the game immediately.

Nezu:I understand.

While these two were talking Izuku's mother couldn't help it but scream his name out loud. For her this all didn't feel real. She was still in denial thinking that this wasn't her boy.

Inko: Izuku!

Once Izuku heard bis name he dropped the voice changer since there was no need for it anymore at all.

Izuku: Oh hello! Long time no see mother. Tell me how is it without me? Did you even miss me?

Izuku never got any mental support from his mother just shelter and food and things nothing more and nothing less. Although he knew how love feels like it never felt real for him. The words I'm sorry were engraved in his mind and he couldn't forgive her for that answer. It haunted him his whole life up until now.

Inko: Izu is this really you? It can't be! Please tell them you are not my Izu!

Izuku: You are right! I am not your Izuku anymore. No one ever called me by the name besides you anyways. I am a nobody always was and always will be.

Inko: No, it can't be!

Izuku: Ohh it is and there is nothing you can do.

The woman than emotionally collapsed
She was grieving and crying soo much that Thirteen and Midnight as well as Mic went out of the room to help her calm down. Her whole world just broke down. Until now she didn't want it to be true but now that she heard his voice and his confirmation the time of denial was over.

Nezu: Why an escape room?

Izuku: Did you ever thought of the question of why not?

Nezu: No. . . In fact, I did try to understand your reason in closing an escape room but I failed to come to an understanding.

Izuku: Escape Rooms are a way of learning how much a team is capable. In other words, I was testing and judging the heroes in training from the beginning and I must say I did come to a conclusion.

Nezu: And this would be?

Izuku: That this generation of heroes is lost but not because of me but their own stupidity!

Nezu: I am deeply offended hearing that about our students.

Izuku: You saw them perform and you are still saying that?

Nezu: They might not be the best but they are still young and have zero experiences.

Izuku: Do I look like a villain with experience? No one knew about me before this day and on top of that I am still quikless! AND yet I managed to fool you guys and play with you all around!

Nezu: I must insist on you reconsider your choice about them.

Izuku: It's too late for that.

Nezu: There was never an escape where they would be alive.

Izuku: Bingo! You do possess some brains rat Satan!

Nezu: Be certain that sooner or later you will be found.

Izuku: I am rooting for that! Good luck and please be as entertaining as you can! I do want to see and experience why they all call you a rat Satan after all.

Their conversation might look short but that was all they managed to talk about in 20 minutes. Izuku never answered immediately as he was busy making sure that Power Loader would not track him down over his IP. Not only that but he still needed to make sure and talk with Bakugo after all too.

It was the end of the game and Izuku wanted to have the chance to talk to him one on one threw the speakers and make him either explode or Break down. Though the second opinion sounded more promising it wasn't most likely to happen even if he tried it. This however still didn't stop Izuku from trying to break his spirit.

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