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This is a Chihiro x Celeste oneshot, only because it was requested by somebody and I want them to be happy! Note: will be slightly platonic since I hc Celestia as a lesbian.

A breezy day. School was in session and the students could notice the leaves moving fast. Chihiro could almost feel the cold air, he put on a hoodie and drew in his notebook.
He looked over at his inspiration, Celestia Ludenberg is what she called herself.
She was popular, but not in a way that's mean or like a cliche, she's simply loved.
The girls and guys loved her, the men would pour her tea and the girls did her homework.

She wasn't mean or demanding, just popular. She was fancy, claimed to be rich.
She didn't stick to the school uniform, she wore a fancy red and black dress. Sadly for her she felt as if it wasn't as extravagant as she wished. The school didn't care as long as people could walk by her without feeling squished.

Chihiro admired her, he pretended to be a girl for awhile but Celeste saw right threw that.
She told him to be himself, and if anybody bullied him for 'being wimpy' she would beat the shit out of them.

So he drew her, as a way to say thank you for the confidence.

The girl saw what he was doing, and winked at him. Chihiro was flushed and embarrassed.
The teacher noticed and told him to focus on class.

Once class was over, the school day was over!
Celeste met Chihiro as he was walking out.
"Mhmm" she giggled.
"How about we hang out a bit? I saw your drawing and think its time we got to know each other more" Celeste told him, making him happy because friendship!

"Sure! I would love to! What time?"
"Now." And she pushed him inside a limo.

Chihoro was in awe, she was rich!

They soon stopped and got out of the car, he saw her mansion.

Now, Chi isn't materialistic, but he does love to look at expensive things, he wanted to be rich off of computers and machines.

Celestia sat him down, and took off her drills.
"AH!" The boy screamed.

"Oh. I forgot to tell you hehehe!" Celeste laughed, sat down herself and ordered some tea.
"D-do.. Uhm.. do you happen to have lemon tea?" Asked Chihiro, slightly nervous.
"We have all of the tea."

"Ok then.."
The butler came back, with both teas.

"Now. Why were you drawing me?" The red eyed goddess started up the conversation.
"I-i just think you look cool.. Haha.. And well, it was a piece of art to thank you.. For.. The other week."

"You're welcome." She smiled.

The two talked for hours, until Chihiro got a text from his dad, Taichi! The limo dropped him off and that was the end of the day.

The two talked since then, getting closer and closer.
Chihiro started to think he had a crush on her.

"D-do... Uhm well do you happen to go to that Yogurt/icecream shop with that Maki girl who works there?" He asked, blushing and thinking of asking her on a quick date.
"Oh, yes! My girlfriend, Kyoko loves that place, she wants to work as a detective with Maki there!"


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