Angie and Shuichi hang out

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It was a sunny Saturday afternoon, Shuichi was sitting down in his chair doing his makeup, he stood up and changed his shirt to his favorite band shirt, and got his hat on.
Today he was going to do some errands and get our of the house.
*click!* he heard his phone go off, picking it off and going on Snapchat.

👩🏾‍🎨🖌🖍✏aռɢɨɛ!: Shuichiiii!!!

It was Angie! One of Shuichi's friends, though he didn't talk to her that often.

👮🏻🧢🔎🔵Shuichi: Hey Angie, what's up?

👩🏾‍🎨🖌🖍✏aռɢɨɛ!: me!

👮🏻🧢🔎🔵Shuichi: what?

👩🏾‍🎨🖌🖍✏aռɢɨɛ!: look outside

Shuichi did as he was told and went outside, as he was already going to do. He didn't see Angie though, he looked around until he heard a "wooo!!!" From his roof.

Shuichi then saw Angue sliding and jumping off his roof, him being panicked made sure to catch her!

She bounced off of his head and landed perfectly on her feet.

"Oh god! Angie what in the- you could've died!" Shuichi informed her, with her just starring at him.
"But I didn't!" She smiled, jumping into his arms.
"Me and you are spending the day together! Nyahah! I just can't wait to teach you all about art!" She stated, sliding off of the tall boy.

"O-ok, sure... I was going out anyways, so what are we doing today?" He asked her.
"What were you gonna do? Angie wants to join!!!" Angie yelled, excited.

"The grocery store, thank I was gonna hit up Hot T-topic... But I think that would be boring for you." He told the hyper girl, she shook her head, and lead him to the direction on the grocery store.
"I've never been to one of these before!!!" She stimmed, making Shuichi smile at her being excited.

"How come?"
"I don't know! Atua has always stocked me up on food so I never needed to go to a place for more!"
Shuichi looked ahead at the path in front of them.
After a few minutes they came to Monoshop. Shuichi opening the door for the other girl.

She instantly became curious and started running around, pointing to things as asked what a bunch of things were.
"OH WHATS THIS!? SHUICHIII SHUICHIIII LOOK!!!" She called over to him, as he walked over and checked what she was looking at.

Froot loops.

She was pointing at Froot Loops.

"Can I pleaseeeeee have it??? Pleaseeeeeee!!!" Angie begged him. Which he reluctantly nodded his head and got a basket.

"Ok. Stay close, I'm just going to get some stuff, feel free to look but don't leave, I don't want to lose you." Shuichi informed her, treating her like a toddler.
"I got it!" She smiled, being in a big place with a lot of food is exciting!

Shuichi went over to a few isles and browsed a bit, Angie staying close but still looking around was fascinated by all of this new food and cooking supplies she had just discovered. Once Shuichi was done collecting the items he needed to buy he got Angie and brought her up to the cashier.

Angie looked a little bit sad, starring at the Froot Loops, wanting to try them already. Shuichi noticed and bought them first. After they left the store he handed the cereal to the excited girl!
"Oh thank you so much Shuichi! I can't wait to try them! They are meant to be in milk right?" She thanked him.
"Yeah they are, but I'll let you have it when we get back to my house." She nodded.

They began to walk to Hot Topic, having a small conversation.
"So you haven't been to a grocery store before, but you've been to the mall?"
"Yep! Like I said, Atua supplied me with healthy food all my life! I never needed to  go out for more!" Angie explained to him.
He nodded and smiled.

Today is a smooth day, what could possibly make it awkward!?

They arrived at the store and the hats instantly got Shuichi's attention. He practically ran over to the hat and pink section, leaving Angie to do her own thing. She looked at the art and paint.
"Woah! Shuichi look!" She called him over, pointing at a skull fake tattoo.
"Please?" She asked him.
"Sure." He grabbed the fake tattoo, a couple of hats and some emo pins.

They both went to look at the pride collection, just to see what was there.

And behold!

Weird straight ally merch and some lame 'sounds gay im in' shirts. They were both disappointed.

Angie picked up a shirt and went up to the cashier, making Shuichi join her. And guess who the cashier was???

Maki Harukawa!!!!!

"What do you want?" She asked flatly.
"Oh hey Maki, can we get these items?" Shuichi asked, putting them on the desk.
"Fine." Maki said as rung them up.

Once they paid for their stuff Maki handed them a bag, they put their shit in the bag and left.

"Where do we go now Angie?" Asked Shuichi.
"Hobby Lobby!" The girl proudly yelled.

"Did I stutter?"
"You do know that place is homophobic and smells racist right?"
"They have nice posters!" Angie argued, pulling the emo boy moping in the direction of the Hobby Lobby.

The moment they walked in there, it was flooded with Thanks Giving decor, Christmas shit placed in random parts, Halloween crap in an open box and a ton of Forth Of July bs everywhere.
"Angie this place makes me uncomfortable..." Shuichi whined, hiding his bi pin.
"I just need new paint brushes and a few more canvases and we will be out in no time! I promise, my dear Shuichi!" She told him, grabbing his hand.

She got a cart and browsed a bit, picking up a few 'Live Laugh Love' signs, putting a play dough kit in the cart too, she also got a few painted rocks for her friends Korekiyo and Rantaro.

Shuichi squirmed around, using his hat so he didnt have to stare at people, he wanted to be fair though and let Angie have her own time.
"Don't worry, I'm almost done, we'll be out in no time." She said calmly to him, making him feel slightly better.

She found the paint brushes and canvases and picked a few up, putting them in the cart as well.

She nodded at the boy and walked over to the cashier.

It was Kaito.

Because of course it was [disgusted].

"THAT WOULD BE THIRTY DOLLARS PLEASE AND THANK YOU!" He told the pair, screaming because that's what he always does.

Angie looked at her wallet, seeing one of Gonta's bugs fly out. She whispered something to Shuichi then she did something illegal.

"Oh really? I'll be right back I'm going to the bathroom!-" She said, grabbing her stuff and Shuichi and bolting outside running as fast as possible before the police comes!

"THIS IS ILLEGAL!!!" Screamed Shuichi as he ran.

They ran and ran for like six minutes, with the stuff they didn't pay for.
They walked back to Shuichi's home. Him laying down on the couch for a quick minute to catch his breathe.

"My cereal."

Shuichi shot up and went to the kitchen. He got a bowl and some milk and the cereal, which he handed to Angie as she poured it all in.
She tasted it for a minute.
And began to scarf it down like a snake!
Shuichi was mortified!

"Thank you for spending the day with me." Angie thanked him, making him blush.
"N-no problem heh.." He replied.
Angie then hopped up, giving him a short peck on the cheek and going in his living room to watch TV.

What an amazing day.

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