Chapter 12

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Rose rummaged through her drawer, picking some clothes out and into a small bag. Grabbing her toiletries from the bathroom shelf, she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror. Nearing it, she stared at the skin of her face. Under-eye bags were slowly starting to emerge and there were new lines around her forehead and mouth that she didn't realise were developing. She roughly pressed at them with a finger before pulling away and sighing. Rose was getting older. She had spent so much time dealing with alien stuff that she didn't even perceive her body changing.

Downstairs, she kissed her mother's cheek. „Won't be long. Just need some time."

„And what about him? He's not coming with?"

Rose didn't reply. Instead, she threw her bag over her shoulder and knelt to her brother. „You be a good boy, okay? And take care of him for me."

Tony smiled at her. „I will."

She put her stuff in her car and jumped into the driver's seat, before fixing the rearview mirror. With the start of the engine, she drove off.


The Doctor was left speechless standing on his own. He rubbed his eyes in exasperation and groaned. These ups and downs that were constantly emerging around Rose and himself were sending him into oblivion.

He decided to go down to the research department since it was fairly late and everyone else was celebrating here. He needed some peace, get his hands dirty.

Once there, The Doctor hovered over some boxes filled with what looked like alien junk that must've fallen through the rift.

He picked one of them up, inspecting it. Looked like a lighter from the 48th Century. Human. Definitely human. And then he went to the next. And the next. Until he managed to group the stuff by dangerous and trash. Some of the objects he even put in his pockets, an electroscope for example.

That's when Amy entered the room, carrying some other boxes. She nearly tripped over the Doctor's lay-arounds, but he quickly fled to help.

„Thanks." Amy said without seeing her hero. Once she placed the boxes on a nearby table, she continued. „They really need to clean up this stuff. Can't have- Oh, it's you! Did something explode?"

The Doctor sat back on the floor, taking his sonic and dismantling a biochip.

Amy looked at the two piles. „Oh, you're organising!" she sat beside him. The Doctor scooted over to make her some place.

„Go on then, d'she give you a hard time?"

„How come you're still here? Thought everyone else left." the Doctor blew some air at the biochip.

„They did."

„You didn't. They pay extra hours?"

„Not really." she shrugged. „I just enjoy my job, that's all."

„You're young," he looked at her under his brow. „should be out there, enjoying your time. Have a blast with your mates."

„You're one to talk." Amy chuckled. „Alone in here."

„Well, I'm not alone. Look all around you. Some of this stuff might be sentient."

Amy's eyes widened.

„I'm joking." the Doctor laughed softly.

„You'd better be. Last time it created chaos."

„Why? What happened?"

„Oh, come on. Big alien spaceship above our heads? Where were you? Fidgeting with that thing?" she pointed at the sonic screwdriver.

„Oh, you know. Here and there." he gave her a grin. „So. What spaceship?"

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