Chapter 11

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„We did it, Rose!" Pete dashed towards the kitchen.

It was the next day and she felt okay. For the first time in months, she truly felt okay. Maybe not over the Moon okay, but, okay.

Jackie, Rose, Tony, and the Doctor were having breakfast when the mad man disturbed their peace. He nearly yelled, that's how excited he was.

„Project Magenta! It's working!"

Rose jumped off her chair excitedly. She nearly skipped a step, making her stumble forwards. The Doctor chuckled.

„HA!" she steadied herself. She gave a salute to her father. „Sir."

„Ma'am." he saluted back, then they leaped into a tight hug, laughing.

„Look at these two. Peas in a pod." Jackie scoffed.

„What..what's Project Magenta?" the Doctor asked.

„It's so funny when he doesn't know, innit?" Rose stuck her tongue out. „The Doctor. Not knowing things. Must feel terrible, ay? Basically, we've been working on this thing, for about, what? Two years?"

„Two, yeah." Pete nodded.

„Yeah, so we've been working on this thing, this...machine. It fell through the rift a while back. No one onboard. It's like a super submarine. I just didn't think we'd get through it. It works! We're going deep. Deeper than we've ever been before!" she beamed. „Thanks to dad's funds we can explore!"

She took a last bite from her toast, then hurried out and up the stairs. „It's working! Woooo!" she yelled.

Arriving at Torchwood, they exited the car; Rose and Pete were strolling through the parking lot, giggling to each other. The Doctor followed behind them, feeling left out. They went through the gates where they were greeted by Amy. When she saw the Doctor, she froze. She took a step forward.

„Sir, I would like to personally apologise for what happened earlier. I hope you'll forgive me." she saluted.

The Doctor cringed. „Don't salute. And definitely don't call me sir. Now, then. Super alien submarine? That is something I've got to see." he then smiled at her. „Amelia Pond."

They took the lift down to Floor 0, separately from the Bad Wolf Department, and there they entered a large area, filled with scientists running around, documents flying all over, and chatter and laughter.

„Oh, it's a celebration!" the Doctor laughed.

„And this," Rose took a step forward, followed by Amy. The women opened the sliding doors that kept the ship tucked away. „This is Valorant."

The Doctor put on his specs, jumping for inspection. „Ha!" he exclaimed. „This is beautiful!"

There stood Valorant. The ship was shaped like a cocoon with spoilers rounding it through the middle. It had two metal wings shaped like boomerangs and you would use these wings to board the inside. Valorant was average-sized, not too big and not too small. Could fit two people but only if you wanted to get cozy with each other.

The Doctor jumped on one of the wings, using the sonic screwdriver to open the doors.

„Oi!" Amy launched forward but Rose stopped her.

„He does that." she said.

The Doctor sat in the chair. The interior looked modern with colors that resembled the night sky, a control panel beneath and over. The machine was definitely from the future, the 31st century to be more exact. He couldn't narrow down the planet though. Nor the species it belonged to.

He popped his head out the door.

„Rose!" he called, and she followed.

They cramped each other inside.

„Go on then, where's it from?" Rose asked, a glimmer of light in her eyes.

„I don't know."

„Two times in a row! Doctor, you're getting soft!" she laughed.

„Don't get smart with me, Rose Tyler." he smiled. „Truly magnificent though, gotta give it that. Weeell, not that magnificent, maybe just great. Weeell, not great. Just a tad tacky, don't you think?"

She bumped into his shoulder. „Go on." Rose bit her bottom lip, pointing at the control panel.

„Don't tempt me."

He took out his sonic screwdriver, set it to setting 267, and with a wheeze, he turned the ship on. The interior lit up in lights of blue. He looked all around himself, sniffing the air loudly.

„Average." he said.

„Oh, you think you're so impressive." Rose smirked.

„I am so impressive!"

„Can't wait to take her out." she gazed upon the leather fabric that covered the unused space. A hand of hers stroke the machine.

„Do you two wanna be alone?" he raised a brow.

„Oh, shut it!" Rose bumped once more into his shoulder. „She's pretty and you know it."

For a moment it felt like they were back in the TARDIS. Fairly, she was not bigger on the inside, and of course, she looked completely different. But there they were. Inside an alien ship. Rose and the Doctor. As it should be.

They were called back down by Pete, who was smiling ear to ear. „We should be ready in two days. Then you can take her out."

„Can't wait."

„Wait, I never asked." The Doctor hopped off the wing, placing his hands in his pockets. „You?"

„Yes, me." Rose was rocking on her feet, bubbly and all.

„She's head executive." Amy prompted. „It'd be only fair."

„Wait, so you wanna go down there alone?" the Doctor, now visibly concerned, asked.

„Yep." Rose replied popping the p.

„On your own? Deep into the ocean? Where anything could happen? Did you even test this thing?"

„Nope. Besides, I won't be alone. Voice comms, I'll be guided by dad."

„No, but I can't let you go in alone, Rose."

„I need you here though. You know better than anyone to guide me through it. And of course, if anything were to happen, which it won't, you'd have a better chance at cooking up some plan B here."

„Don't go." the Doctor's gaze darkened. Rose's smile faded at that, and Pete knew it was the sign to dip. They were gonna quarrel.

He took Amy by the arm and out they went.

„You know I will." Rose stood her ground. „I made up my mind. I'm going. And you're not gonna stop me."

„Rose, it's too dangerous."

„Never stopped you." she scoffed. „You know, from all the people here, I thought you'd be the one to understand. Just how much did you change? Cause he definitely wouldn't tell me to stay. He'd encourage me to go. To explore. To adventure. The real Doctor would be happy for me. I guess I was wrong about you."

„Rose, you could die!" his voice went so loud he nearly yelled.

She looked at him in shock. „I really like your belief in me, Doctor. Truly. Thanks."

With that, Rose stomped off.

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