Chapter 3

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Rose tossed and turned in her bed, failing miserably to fall asleep. Maybe she shouldn't have slept on the ride. With a sigh, she sat up. Maybe a tea could help, she thought.

Exiting her bedroom, she heard the Doctor's voice echo from her brother's room. The door was slightly ajar.

„Then she threw the ship in the air!" the Doctor exclaimed. „The ship followed the flame and finally, it worked! That's all it needed. Love!"

Tony listened wide eyed to the Doctor. "Isolus." she whispered.

She leaned against the outer wall of the bedroom with her arms crossed, smiling at the memory.

I think we're there. Fear, loneliness. They're the big ones, Rose. Some of the most terrible acts ever committed have been inspired by them. We're not dealing with something that wants to conquer or destroy. There's a lot of things you need to get across this universe. Warp drive, wormhole refractors. You know the thing you need most of all? You need a hand to hold."

Looking down at her own hand, she noticed the bleeding had stopped. She picked at it for a second before returning her attention to the Doctor.

„Love?" Tony asked.

„Yes, Tony. The alien was nothing but lonely. It needed love."

„Doctor?" the kid shifted under the blankets. „Do you love my sister?"

The Doctor smiled in the corner of his mouth. „Very."

„Good. Because if you didn't, I'd sonic you!" Tony held up an invisible sonic screwdriver, making funny noises.

„Not much more than Jackie would." the Doctor laughed. „Come on then." he tucked Tony in. „Comfortable?"

When Tony nodded, the Doctor pressed a kiss on his head. „Sweet dreams, Tony."

At hearing that, Rose hurried to her bedroom door, opening and closing it as if she were just now exiting her bedroom. When she met the Doctor in the hallway, he scoffed in amusement.

„Didn't anyone tell you it's bad to eavesdrop, Rose?" he asked.

Rose bit her lower lip, rolling her eyes. „I was just gonna go for a cuppa. Fancy?"

„You." he whispered under his breath.


„Love one. Yes, I'd love one, thank you. Of course. Good for the synapses, Rose. Did I ever tell you i fought a tea while drinking war?"

Rose furrowed her brows. „What?"

The Doctor pinched at the bridge of his nose. „Sorry. Nevermind." he looked down, only to see the cut on Rose's hand. His eyes shot up. „You're hurt."

„It's nothing." she hid her hand behind her back.

„It's not nothing, Rose. Show it to me."

„I said it's fine!" she snapped. „Forget it."

With that, she turned on her heel towards her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

Jackie was just walking up the stairs when she noticed the commotion. „What happened?"

„Jackie! Err, nothing. Don't worry about it." he sighed.

„She's giving you a hard time, is she?"

The Doctor nodded.

„Don't feel bad about it, love. She just needs some time."

Was Jackie a broken record? Nevertheless, she was trying to make him feel better. Which he appreciated.

„I've prepared you a bedroom down the hall. You've got some pajamas of Pete though, don't know how well they'll fit. You're slimmer than a leg of mine."



Sun crept through the curtains, cascading a wave of warmth and light upon his face, forcing the Doctor to open his eyes. For a moment he had to think about where he was, cause this was definitely not his bedroom.

Ahh, yes. He was in the parallel dimension with Rose. He took a big breath. Wait. He was in the parallel dimension with ROSE!

He abruptly stood up his bum, which made him a bit dizzy. „Human body." he cringed. „When will I ever get used to this?"

He shook his head for a second, as if to force his blood circulate faster, then sat on the edge of the bed. Closing his eyes, he swallowed. His throat was dry. And...kind of different. Could it be he failed to notice his voice was slightly deeper too? Oh, and that wasn't the only thing that seemed different. His liver was bigger as well and he was a bit taller. He stood up, bouncing back and forth on his feet. Yes yes. He also checked for the mole on his cheek by looking behind and under his pants. The mole was still there, thank God. He liked that mole.

He then decided to take a shower and brush his teeth, and when he'd gone to change, he realised his suit was missing. Instead he found a grey jumper and some black pants neatly arranged in the wardrobe. After pulling them on, he noticed them to be a bit bigger than his size. Must be of Pete's.

He checked himself in the mirror. Not bad. Not prefferably his style but...he still got it.


Rose was sat on one of the chairs in the kitchen, sipping from a coffee. Just the way she liked it, two sugars and a splash of milk. She nearly burned her tongue, was it not for the Doctor entering through the kitchen's archway.

When they met eyes, the Doctor smiled. Oh, she was breathtaking. She wore her hair up in a ponytail, only few strands flew freely at her back, and she was wearing the color he most liked on Rose. Pastel pink.

Rose looked the man up and down, her mouth slightly agape. Apart from him looking exactly like the Doctor, he was wearing something she swore she'd never see him wear. And yet there he was. Without a suit. Clothed like a normal bloke. And she liked it. She didn't wanna admit, but he was looking kinda sexy.

„Do I have something on my face?" he said.

„You look...different."

„Good different or bad different?" the Doctor wiggled his brows.

„Just...different. Hello." she smiled.

Oh, there it was. That beautiful smile he had longed for. His hearts beamed with happiness. Ah. Heart. „Hello." he replied, smiling back. „Since when do you drink coffee?"

„Since I got a job. Some of us have to." Rose joked. „Would you like some tea with war?" 

The Doctor laughed. „Any day, Rose Tyler. Especially from you."

„Glad to see you awake." Rose shifted to the kitchen counter, pouring some hot water.

„Really? I mean," he cleared his throat „What do you mean?"

„You've been out for 28 hours." she put one sugar in the Doctor's cup, then handed it to him, together with a jar of marmelade and some toast.

„Really? Twenty-eight? That's more than I'd sleep in a week." he rubbed the back of his neck.

„Assumed you needed it, just like last time. Told mum it's prolly your body still regenerating. I set a cuppa down on your nightstand, but... Guess you didn't need it afterall."

The Doctor beamed at her, adoration in his eyes.

„What?" she asked,

„Rose Tyler. You never cease to amaze me."

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