Chapter 9

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 „What is it? What's happened?" the Doctor ran after Rose. When the alarm wouldn't stop screeching, he would point his sonic screwdriver in the air, stopping it.

Both him and Rose looked amiss, whilst panic seemed to succumb around them.

„That's him! That's the intruder." Amelia Pond pointed, two armed guards behind her.

„How'd he get in? In-tru-der window?" he rubbed the back of his neck amused. When no one laughed, he sniffed. „Okay, that joke's getting old. Sorry."

„Seize him!" Amy commanded, at which the Doctor put his arms in the air apologetically.

„Don't you dare!" he heard Rose demand. When he looked at her, she had already pointed her gun at the two men. „Blimey, Amy! What the hell?" she yelled.

The Doctor's eyes widened. He looked at Rose's stance, then at the gun, then back at Rose. He could not believe his eyes.

„Nobody even dare lay a finger on him!" 

„Rose, do you know this man?" Amy frowned.

„Oh, do I know this man?" she looked at him shortly, then back at the woman with fiery hair. „Do you know this man?"

„Atease!" called a voice from behind. Pete was strolling towards them. At his voice, the two guards lowered their weapons. Rose however, didn't. „Rose." Pete gently touched his daughter's arm.

„Don't you ever DARE point your guns at him. Never! You got that?" Rose was fuming. The Doctor could see her face get red, a small vein making its appearence on her temple. „And you," she pointed the gun at Amy. „What the fuck?"

„Rose, calm down." cried Pete.

The Doctor went behind her, placing both his hands along her arms. He lowered them gently. „How does this make you better than them?" he whispered in her ear.

When she lowered the gun, he snatched it from her hand, throwing it on the floor. Rose turned to face him abruptly. Her eyes were teary and she looked terrified.

„I'm..." her gaze enlarged. „I... I couldn't let them hurt you. I-" she took a deep breath. „I finally got you and you can die and I couldn't... I didn't want you to- Oh, Doctor, I..."

„Shhh." he took her in his arms, hugging her tightly. She burried her face in the nook of his neck. „I understand. You're fine."

„What the bloody hell happened here?" Pete turned to Amy.

„I thought he was intruding. I'm sorry, I didn't realise you knew him." Amy apologised.

„You'd better be!" Pete shook his head in disappointment. „Because whatever chance you had at knowing him is gone." he turned at the Doctor. „I'm sorry. I said this place was different. Please don't take this incident to heart. I understand if you decline my offer."

The Doctor was placing a kiss on Rose's hair. His offer. Mentally, he scoffed. Of course he wouldn't take it. But at the same time, seeing the way the woman he so dearly loved reacted, it shocked him. How was he supposed to let her go down this path? Become someone she herself would not recognize anymore? He couldn't let her do that. Not now. Not ever.

It was not an offer anymore. He HAD to go down this road WITH Rose. Not for Pete. Not for Torchwood. But for her.


Rose was sitting on the couch of their living room, looking at...nothing honestly. Her gaze was fallen upon the fireplace, but she was not directly looking at it.

„Here." the Doctor extended a cup of tea, and she broke from the trance. Her hands were shaking. Shaking so bad she nearly spilled it. „Careful." he steadied it.

He sat down next to her, putting one hand over her thigh, signaling he's there for her. When she finally took a sip, she smiled.

„Is this...banana flavoured tea?"

„My own recipe." he grinned. „Like it?"

„Love it!" she drank again. „Thanks."

Rose pinched at the bridge of her nose, sighing. „I'm sorry."

„Rose, whatever happened out there, don't think about it."

„No but.. it's true. And I know what you're thinking, Doctor." she searched for his eyes. „I've changed. I've changed so much I don't know who I am anymore. This world, all of it... It changed me. I could've killed somebody. But," she placed her cup on the table. „I'd rather be a killer than see you be killed. I panicked. It just came over me."

„Rose, you've spent years dedicating your life to the dimension cannon. You've gone through so many of them, listen. I don't know what happened to you and I won't ask until you decide to tell me, but trust me when I say this." he took her hand in his. „I'm not going away. I won't die."

They stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, and she felt her stomach turn. In a weird way. It wasn't a bad turn, it felt quite uncomfortable but.. What was this?


„Promise." he replied, and they smiled at each other. „Would you like a stroll? Get some fresh air?" he asked.

„Yeah. Yeah, I think I'd love that."


Rose changed from her work clothes to something more comfortable. She pulled on some jeans, a blue camisole and a jacket, then a pair of white sneakers. Good to run into.

From what she had learned from travelling with the Doctor, it's always good to wear some good running shoes. You never know what could happen.

She left, closing the door behind her. Then walked leisurely towards his bedroom, but before she could knock, she noticed his door slightly ajar. Rose didn't mean to peak, but at the sight of skin, she froze. His broad shoulders. His nice back. His long arms and quite strong forearms. Frankly, he was wearing a pair of pants, but she could not stop staring.

His neck, his chest. The way his fingers pulled at his trousers. Long fingers.

She swore he could've been a pianist if he wished so.

The way his bum curved.

„Rosie?" Tony called out, and she jumped, shushing her brother and leaving out of sight. Her cheeks were deep red and she felt her quickened breath.


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