What's Wrong With My Damn Father!?

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Thanatos POV:

Me, Jettie, and Father are having another meeting and its... awkward to say the least. Jettie is asking questions about the weather and tea but Father just answers with a nod or yes. Soon enough, Father ended up asleep with a disappointed Jettie sitting across from him. I stood up and held out my hand. "I'll take my leave now Your Majesty..." She whispered and grabbed my hand, stepping out of the room. I quickly turned the other way and walked to my room. 'I'm in the mood for chocolate...' I dropped my smile and called a maid. 

"Can you get me some snacks from the kitchen. Preferably something sweet..." The maid nodded and bowed before heading for the door. "When is Father going to get better...?" I slam my fist down on the table hard enough to draw blood. When I punched the table I started to feel pain in the chest. 'Damn it... again...?' I run to the bathroom and immediately cough out the blood in my throat. 'I feel worse today... there was also more than usual...' I hear the door open and realize the maid is in here. "Y...Your Highness...?" I ran at her and covered her mouth. "Don't you dare tell anyone about this..." She doesn't do anything. "If you tell anyone about this I will not hesitate to destroy you and your family... nod if you agree." After a second of hesitation she nodded with tears in her eyes. I uncover her mouth and shove her out of my room. "Tell everyone else to knock before they just walk in..." I shut the door and sat down. '... I forgot to take the chocolate...'

Time skip~~~ two days later

I haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately and Father has been asking for me and Jettie more often. "Your Majesty, don't you.." I looked over to her, same with Father, trying to keep my smile. She squeezed her hands under the table and shut her eyes. "Don't you miss the princess...?" I shattered my tea cup and and everyone looked over to me. I flinched and my eyes widened. "Ah... my apologies. I've been having trouble... controlling my strength lately." She nodded and Father looked away. I let out a breath of relief and swallowed the small amount of blood in my mouth. "Princess...I was just thinking about that..." My eyes widened and I looked at him. "Everyone tells me I love the princess and... prince." He looks in my direction, all I do is smile and avoid eye contact. "I think I need to confirm it myself..." Felix stumbles a bit and looks over. "Your Majesty do you mean what you just said? But I sent out search parties with orders to find her, but I still haven't found her after three months." I roll my eyes and take a sip of tea. "Felix Robane." He nods and starts to sweat. "I wont try to harm her anymore so... search for her properly this time..." I choke back a laugh and hide my face. 'So he knew...?'

When the party was over I grabbed Jettie and pulled her into a room. "Jettie... when you get to the Alpheus mansion, you need to tell Athy okay?" She nods and runs out. I gave a small sigh with a smile but had to cover my mouth with my hand. 'Fuck...!' I run out of the room and head to a bathroom. I spit out the blood and cough. I fall on the floor because my legs give out and cough more blood. "Fuck!" I slammed my fist into the wall, leaving a dent. 

Time skip~~~ 2 hours later

I can feel Athy is at the palace but... 'I don't have enough mana nor energy to go to her right now...' I'm sitting on my floor, leaning on the wall, trying not to throw up. I slowly stand up using the wall as support when I heard a knock on the door. "Its open!" The maid comes in with a nervous look. It was the same maid I threatened last time. "What...?" She avoids my gaze and looks down. "Well... you're um... hurt right." I sigh and nod. "Then... if no one else knows... I could help... if you need it." My eyes widen and I start laughing. "Didn't I just threaten you and your family like a couple of hours ago?" She flinched and nodded. "Fine. Sure. What's your name...?" She looked happy and nodded. "My name is Lena..." I nodded and motioned for her to come closer. 

"This is a... unique kind of pain okay? Its from magic." Her eyes widen and she nods. "I don't have a lot of mana right now for a reason... I can't tell you but... thank you for the help." She giggles and nods. I stand up and stretch a bit with her help and start walking to the door. She just stands behind me and watches. "I need your help Lena... I can't walk well right now." She runs over and helps me by holding me up by my arm. "By the way... His Majesty called for you." I sighed and nodded.

After the meeting I left immediately with Lena to the bathroom. "Lena I need you to go as fast as p-possible... ngh..." I covered my mouth with my hand and ran with Lena. When we reached the bathroom I coughed out the blood and fell on the floor. "Your Highness! Plea-mph!" I covered her mouth with my bloodied hand. "Shut up Lena. Quiet down... there's people outside..." A tear slid down her face and she nodded, moving my hand away from her mouth. "Sorry about that... you should get the blood off of you." She hesitantly nodded and walked into another bathroom. 'This is getting out of hand...' I slowly stand up and walk, by myself, to Athy. 'I can finally see her with out sneaking out of the palace...' I lean against the wall and let out a shaky laugh. 

I reach the room Athy's in and open it. When I was about to walk in my eyes widen. "Lu...cas?" He looks over and his eyes widen as well. "Thanatos?" Before he could say anything I close the door and start speed walking away. 'Why was he here...? Why now? If he sees me he'll know about my mana... FUCK!' I start running despite the pain and try to find Lena. "LENA!!" I see her run out of the bathroom, the blood now cleaned, and starts heading towards me. "Lena I need to hide, help me!" She nods and grabs my arm pulling me away but not before Lucas shows up in front of me and pulls my arm away from Lena. "Damn it Lucas! Let go!" He ignores me and teleports us to an empty room. "What the hell do you want Lucas...?" He turns to me with a frown. "What the hell happened to you Thanatos?" I scoff and look away. "Whatever to you mean Lucas?" 

He turns to me with anger visible on his face. "Your face! Your mana! Your health! What else Thanatos!" I turn away and sit on the couch. "I'm pretty sure Athy already told you but Father is sick..." He nods and sits across from me. "I know its black magic so I've been... taking some in and... trying to make him better." Lucas stops and stares at me wide eyed. "You did what...?" I look away and stare out the window. "Do you know how dangerous that is!? You could die!" I ignore him until he grabs me by the shoulders and makes me look at him. "Would you rather die than have him forget you!?" I push him away and stand up. "Stop screaming at me and see what the hell is wrong with my damn Father!" After I yell we both go quiet. I start heading towards the door when I can feel the blood dripping out of my mouth. 

"Thanatos!?" Lucas runs to me and helps me sit down on the floor, using magic to heal me a bit. "Damn it Thanatos. Why did you put so much stress on yourself..." I chuckle and sigh, wiping the blood off of my mouth. "We need to see Father and Athy..." He ignores me and continues to heal me. I push off his hand and stand up, feeling much lighter than before. 'Lets see what's wrong with Father...'







Lucas is back~~ Wonder how he'll react to Thanos and Kiel's relationship ^-^

{1423 words}

Thanatos De Alger Obelia (WMMAP x Male Oc)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ