Happy Birthday

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Thanatos POV:

I woke up to Athy shaking me violently. "Thanos wake up~!!" I groan and sit up. "Its our birthday today!!" My eyes open wide. "That's right! Its your birthday today Athy!" She furrows her brows and shakes her head. "No... its 'our' birthday Thanos." I tilt my head to the side confused. "What's the difference?" She frowns and grabs my hand and leads me out the door. "Lily! Felix!" Both of them come running to her in an instant which surprises me. "W-what is the matter princess!?" Athy then looks at me. "Thanos. Tell them exactly what you told me when you woke up." I raise a brow and sigh. "I said it was Athy's birthday today... can someone please tell me what the problem is?" They both looked at me the same way Athy did. I frown. "Why are all of you angry? Is it something I did? I seriously don't understand." 

I walk past them head to the kitchen. 'I'm not that hungry to I'll eat an apple.' On my way to the kitchen I meet Lucas. "Oh, hey Lucas. Remember to say happy birthday to Athy later, okay?" He looks at me weird then nods. 'Why is everyone looking at me weird today?' I sigh again and rub the back of my neck. "Maybe... I should apologies? Yeah. I'm probably in the wrong so lets go with that." I smile and happily head to the kitchen. 

When I get in there everyone greeted me and started saying happy birthday. "Why are you making such a big deal out of it? Haha. Oh but remember to say happy birthday to Athy, yeah?" They all nod happily and get back to cooking. I grab an apple and I'm abut to bite into to it when I get dragged away by Athy. I dropped my apple on the floor and stare at it. "Boo~... Athy you made me drop my apple~." She looked back at me and smirked before dragging me even more.

When she finally stopped dragging me, we were in front of a comfort room. Many other people were in it with presents in their hand. "What's... going on?" They all smiled at me and told me to sit. I did as I was asked and sat next to Athy. They all set the presents on the table and stare at us. I sit and look over at Athy waiting for her but everyone turns to me. "...? What?" They sigh and hand me a present. My eyes widen. "S-some is for me???" They sigh and nod. I give a small smile and their eyes widen. "Y-you... smiled!!" Felix and Lily jumped up and hugged me. The other maids were clapping with a big smile. "I-is is really that rare for me to smile!?" Everyone in the room nodded and I sweat dropped. 

After all of the presents were opened the maids gave us a big chocolate cake and our sacred beasts were going crazy. I had a slice of cake and shared some with Athy who wanted more than just one. The maids were completely against it but I snuck it anyway. Athy smirked and hugged me the whole time. In all honesty this was... 'The best birthday ever.'

Time skip~~~ nighttime

Lily was kissing Athy and I goodnight. "Thank you for being here today." Athy smiles and closes her eyes. "Thank you for being here too, Lily." She left with a worried expression. Athy turned to the side. "I had high hopes this time Thanos." I reached out and pet her head. "In the end Daddy never came to wish us happy birthday." I sigh. 'I don't need him to wish me a birthday.' I look at her sadly. 'But... for your sake I will pretend as you like.' She kicks up the blanket and turns around. "Ah... what do we know." I pet her head again and we hear a voice. "Really, what do you know?" We both sit up and see that Lucas is standing next to our bed. "What? Why are you here so late?" I look at him. "You like to watch kids sleep, old man?" A tick mark appeared on his forehead but he took a deep breathe. "I'm a busy man you know?" Athy sighed.

Athy gets up and I follow. "Lets go see Blackie and Silvie. As our birthday gift." Lucas sighed. "I should really just eat those things." I look over at him and scoff. "I never asked for it in the first place, you know." Athy completely ignored us. "Whatever. Lets just go." 

When we got outside the two sacred beasts ran towards Athy. I sat down while Lucas stood. "You're not going to play with her?" I look over at Athy then at Lucas. "No. Seeing her happy is enough for me." He sighed and sat down next to me. "Cast a spell to warm her up. I don't want her to get a cold." I don't listen to his reply and lay down. Lucas sighs and starts talking to Athy. I look over and see that their having a talk about her debutante. I clutch my chest again. 'What's wrong with me these days?' I shrug it off and close my eyes. "Happy birthday... Thanos." Next thing I know I'm in bed with Athy. 'Guess he teleported us back... could have done it myself though.'

Time skip~~~ day of the Debutante

Me and Athy were suddenly woken up by a maid who dragged us out of bed. "Princess! Your Highness! Hurry, there's no time to be sleeping!" I was dragged in the opposite direction of Athy and quickly put in a bathroom. "Quickly! Get his hair oil!" I looked around at the maids ripping off my clothes. 'W... what's going on!?' One ran up to me and gently dragged me to the tub. "Get in Your Highness! We have a big day today!" I get in the bath and my head gets pushed back. "Close your eyes and mouth!" I do as I'm asked. "We need to give your a massage after your bath." I nod my head and keep my eyes closed. 

After my bath and massage the maids were still running around. "Get the comb!" I reach my hand up with the comb. One of the maids grab it and start combing my hair. "Clothes! Get his clothes!" I sigh and spread my arms, getting ready for the maids to start attacking me with accessories.

 "Clothes! Get his clothes!" I sigh and spread my arms, getting ready for the maids to start attacking me with accessories

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(What he's wearing beside the cape ^^)

I walk down the stairs and am met with father. "Hello Father." He nods. 'This is so awkward.' I sigh and lean on the railing. I was staring at Father. He looked at me and opened his mouth to say something but we heard the clacking of heals. We look over and see Athy. My eyes widen and I cover my mouth with my hand. I gave a smile. "You look stunning Athy." She smiles at me. "You look like you'll be cold." I glare at Father but smile again. "This is the third time I've seen you make a real smile Thanos." She hugs me and I hug back. Athy looks over at Father. "I'm very happy I get to spend this day with you, Daddy." I look at Father seeing what he'd do next. 'Don't mess this up for her...' Father slowly reaches his hand out to Athy. "You look... very pretty today."

My eyes widen but both Athy and I smile. 'At least you know what to do in these situations.' She grabbed his hand. "Thank you Daddy!" I watch the seen of Father and Athy with a sad smile. 'I hope you can stay happy... Athy.' I stand behind Athy with my hands behind my back. 

'I'll do anything and everything for you so... please don't leave me.'






Sorry for taking so long!!!!

{1338 words}

Thanatos De Alger Obelia (WMMAP x Male Oc)Where stories live. Discover now