My Last 12 Memes -200~211

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Last Chapter! So since it's the last one, Imma give you guys a lot of them
Thanks for sticking with me through all 200+ stupid memes! 🥰👋🏻❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
(Also I feel like I may have been slightly lacking with Hazel and Frank in these memes so I will somewhat try to make up for that - also I think someone complained that I needed more Solangelo, so here ya go, I guess)

See at Night -200

Annabeth: how far can you see at night?

Percy: I can see the moon, how far is that?

Weird Flex but Okay -201

Nico: I swear the next person that says "Weird flex but okay" is going to get hit in the face, many more times than Leo was

Leo: preposterous boast but alas

Percy: strange show-off but very well

Will: that is a peculiar muscle contraction, however it seems to be fine

Jason: That's quite an odd brag but nonetheless

Hazel: Funny flaunt but sure!

Torturing Sims -202

Percy: I am never playing sims with you again after you made an underground torture chamber for them

Leo: But what else are you supposed to do with them?

Percy: take care of them?

Leo: unrealistic.

No fears -203

Percy: I have no fear

Hazel: Annabeth's mad

Percy: I can handle that

Hazel: Annabeth's mad at you

Percy: ...

Percy: one fear.

Sticks and Stones -204

Hazel: sticks and stones may break my bones but that's what bandaids are for!

Nico: ... I mean sure why not

Will: no-

Accept My Love -205

Will: I love you

Nico: you shouldn't-

Will: *placing finger on Nico's lips* shut up and accept my love, bastard

Responsible -206

Leo: I am the most responsible person here

Calypso: You literally just set the house on fire

Leo: and I take full responsibility for that

702- tsaeB eht dna ytuaeB

Nico: beauty and the beast but it's reversed, I kiss the love of my life and they turn into a sick monster and it's awesome

Leo: ... Shrek

Nico: no, never mind, conversation over

Die for You -208

Frank: I would die for you

Hazel: *cheerfully* oh, I would die for you, too!

Frank: ...

Frank: *tears up* please don't do that

Alarming -209

Hazel: what if you hit your alarm clock one morning and it hits you back?

Leo: *smirks* that would be alarming

Frank: ...

Frank: get out

Hexed -210

Annabeth: hm. Has someone noticed there's something up with Will today?

Will: roses are red, violets are blue, I mind my own business so why don't you?

Nico: *snickers* his brother hexed him for being too overprotective

Will: *anger noises*

ATM -211

Percy: if money is time, then that makes an ATM a time machine

Jason: I need more proof

A - A
T - Time
M - Machine

Jason: ... whoa

(Leo: a smoke machine!

Calypso: *reprimands Leo*)

Thank all of you! 🥰🥰

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