The World Was Wide Enough -131

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I'm very sorry, Trials of Apollo Fans
Also, Spoiler Alert if you haven't read the Burning Maze
I'm also sorry to y'all Hamilton fans.

"Raise a glass to freedom..."

And then he looks me in the eye-


He strikes him right below the shoulder

I try to move, but I am frozen in place

Tempest brings him back across the water

I watch her cry


I hear wailing in New Rome


I hear them talking, "You better hide..."


I told them

Piper and Margret

Were both as his side when he died

Death doesn't discriminate

Between the sinners and the saints

It takes and it takes and it takes

And history obliterates

And every picture it paints

It paints me with all my mistakes

When Jason looked me in the eye

He may have been the first one to die

But I'm the one who paid for it

We survived but we all payed for it

I was the villain in your history

I was to dumb and blind

To see

I should've known

We should've known

The world was wide enough

But they couldn't

Leave us be

The world was wide enough

But we couldn't

Have peace

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