Chapter 7

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Crystals p.o.v

I slept terrible I had nightmares all night and when I woke up I was tired and anxious, I am terrified actually. What did I do to deserve this? Maybe it was after I slept with Shaneika.

Anyway I got out of bed and got dressed in my B.V.B crop top and black skinny jeans with black with white spiked belt and my white leather jacket I also had my cuts on my arm covered with my bracelets I got from hot topic, and a pair of white converse. May i say for someone that feels like crap it went perfect together I guess me and the guys are going to go clubbing together. I really need to get drunk and then get laid to get everything off my mind I might even need a smoke. We'll see.

I walked down stairs to eat. And he was in the kitchen. "Hey bro. Whatcha eaten?" Silence

"Bubba you gonna ignore me now" silence

"Come on man you know I love yah and you wuv your wittle sissy" silence

"Whatev man ima sleep over at Brandos or who eva. If momma or pops needs me tellem I'm at a friends and to call meh" Finally he turned around and his eyes were blood shot red which means he's high or he's been crying. And seeing as he doesn't smoke and is totally against it means that he's been crying. And he was also glaring at me, i swear if looks could kill id be in hell right now.

"Listen to me sis you aren't getting high, your not going clubbing, or drinking, and your definitely not getting any tonight you better be home or mum and pups is gonna hear about the shit you've been pulling"

"WHAT THE HELL YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL ME WHAT I CAN AND CANT DO I DONT GIVE TWO GOD DAMN FUCKS. I APOLOGIZED I BEGGED MY BEST AND I DIDNT SLAP THE FUCK OUT OF YOU LAST NIGHT AFTER AND I QUOTE CALLED ME A FUCKIN BITCH ASS HOE UNQUOTE YOU ALSO SAID FUCK ME SO IMA GO FUCK SOMEONE HAPPY" And with that I walked out of the house got in my ford pickup truck and took off to school, not possiblely caring if i ate i dont need to anyway. We usually switch who drives because it saves gas we may be rich but we still like to save our money. Plus we only get five thousand a month damn my parents are cheap. I plugged in my phone and played In The End by Black Veil Brides. And then Savior after that and finally Fallen Angels and I was at school.

I stepped foot out of the door and Brando came up to me. "Hey babe wheres the sex god" Damn he can be annoying. (A\N he's bisexual too) "He found out about me and Shay" "DA FUCK how"

"Iza came by my house after me and Paige kissed and I past out waking up to Shay kissing me cheek and I just made out with her and he saw and then called me a bitch ass hoe after I told him about sixth grade year" I started having a painick attack in the middle of the parking lot my chest was closing and I couldn't breath or think straight. I haven't had one of these in years the only two people who know how to help are Chris and Shay. Brando knew what was happening but he's always freaked out so he took off I knew who he was getting. I tried to stop him but couldn't breath. And soon enough low and behold Shay and Brando running over she looked calm and collected while he looked like shit. Shays always been the cool calm type that doesn't over react. Brandos the total opposite I think that's why I dated him.

Before I knew it I was in Shays arms while she sang. With her beautiful soft voice that sounded like an angel. I was calming down when I felt her lips on my forehead and I was back to not being able to breath but this wasnt like before this was the heart stopping kind when your love is kissing you forehead but you want to be mad at them and cant. She finally picked me. I snuggled into her chest with my head fitting perfectly on her boobs. She put me in the other side of my truck, got my keys out of my pocket, and got in the truck and drove off I didn't know where we were going but I didn't really care all I wanted was to get out of here.

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