Chapter Fourteen

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WOW, I cannot believe this is the final chapter for my MC series Book I! Thank you all for all the continued support for this story, it really means so much to me that you enjoy my work since I really do put my all into what I write! Book II is posted and I will post a new chapter for that story very soon! Thank you all so much!

"Thank you so much River, your makeup skills are incredible, I've never felt so—pretty," Althea said as she looked at herself once more in the mirror. They had small tents set up on the beach so everyone could get ready, and Althea loved that she was having her dream wedding on a beautiful beach.

"You are so beautiful Althea, and don't you ever think otherwise do you understand me? Killian is such a lucky man to have you, and I know you two will be very happy together." River said as she hugged Althea tight, Dolly sneaking back into the tent after her quicky with Mathias.

"I will go sit down." River said as she rushed from the tent, Althea feeling a heavy heart for her as she knew how deeply she was in love with Mathias.

"I'm guessing that things with you and Mathias are going well?"

"Oh honey, this is just a fling, and he knows that as well I as I do. Wow, River did such a great job you look so beautiful." She said as she helped Althea with the sleeves on her wedding dress, the butterflies in her belly going wild as she realized she was about to marry the man of her dreams. She had no idea the day he first walked into the library that they would ever talk, let alone date or even get married.

"Are you crying?" Althea asked as she noticed Dolly tearing up, Althea starting to tear up as she began to fan her eyes hoping she wouldn't ruin Rivers fantastic makeup.

"I am just so proud of you, sweety. I remember the first time you walked into the diner. You had just escaped that horrible family of yours and were stayin at that terrible hotel."

"You helped me get that job at the library and my apartment and taught me how to pay bills and then one day I came in raving about the beautiful man covered in tattoos and the rest is history." She said as Dolly hugged her tight, Althea taking a deep breath as she hooked her arm in Dolly's and prepared to walk down to the beach to marry the love of her life.


"Are you okay?" Mathias asked as Killian once again took a deep breath, his legs trembling as he knew that any moment, he was going to see the love of his life walk towards him, and they were going to finally be husband and wife."

"Just nervous man, do I look okay?" He asked as he hoped his simple white button shirt and black jacket were enough for their small wedding. He had grateful that River had helped him with his hair, a part of him feeling guilty that he had been so hard on her the past few days.

"You look, great brother—here she comes." He said as Killian looked up, his lips parting as everything seemed to fade away but her, his hands going to his mouth as he immediately began to cry, his heart soaring with love as he had never seen a woman so beautiful.

"Oh my god." He said as Mathias placed his hands on his shoulders to show him support, Althea trying her hardest not to cry as Dolly walked her towards him. "You look so beautiful." He whispered as Althea took his hands, his finger gently wiping the tear from her eye as everyone took their seats.

"We gathered here to witness the marriage of Killian Graves and Althea Porter. Instead of traditional vows the bride and groom have written their own." The officiant said as Killian took a small piece of paper from his pocket, Althea wiping away the tear from his cheek as he took a deep breath.

His Burning Desire //Devils Hitman MC Book #1Where stories live. Discover now