Chapter Four

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"So, what happened with the shipment from down south? Was it also stolen?" Killian hissed as his brother informed them that their regular monthly pickup of the product was stolen by a rival gang. "Fuck! Jesus Christ Mathias, I told you if you have an issue, you call me or Lucian you don't do this shit with two fucking inexperienced prospects. You got that kid shot, Mathias!"

"Fuck you, Killian! Your head has been so far up that librarian's ass you couldn't even see what was happening! I called you and you ignored it! So, fuck you!" He yelled as he went to leave, Killian grabbing him by the back of his kutte as he yanked back down into his chair.

"You know damn well I didn't get a fuckin call and girl or no girl you know I'm always there for you or anyone else that bears this patch. I'm tired of your always doing shit by yourself thinkin that you are the President of this club! This is my club, and I will not have you or anyone else defying my orders because guess what, our product is gone and one of our newest prospects was shot!" He hissed as his brother looked away from him, Killian hating how he had to treat him, but the family was family, and the MC was business.

"Get out here Mathias you're on suspension."

"What the fuck! Killian! You can't do that." Mathias yelled as he stood up to his older brother, Killian shoving him back hard as he wasn't about to be talked down to in his own MC. "Killian please, this club is everything to me," Mathias whispered as Killian had a soft spot in his heart for his little brother.

"Just go home, Mathias, we will talk about this later." He said as Mathias angrily kicked a chair into the wall before finally leaving. Killian sighed and sat back down, his mind and heart heavy as he banged his gavel and dismissed everyone.

"Mathias will get over it. He always does." Lucian said as he popped his feet up on the table, Killian kicking his chair causing it to break out from under him. "Damn! You asshole." Lucian laughed as Killian couldn't help but laugh along with him.

"I'm worried we might have to take his patch, Lucian." He said as Lucian popped up from the floor and sat on the table, his brow low as he knew that Killian was being serious.

"Just make the call man, only you can. I know it's your brother and family is family but he is a loose cannon man, and I am worried about him."

"He wants to prove himself, but he doesn't have to, and I have told him that Luc but—he has such a chip on his shoulder lately. I don't know what's goin on with him, but he won't talk to me. Maybe you can talk to him." Killian suggested as Lucian shrugged his shoulders, his phone going off once again as Killian realized he was talking to a woman. "Who has your attention man? I've never seen you return a text so fast—fuck you don't even text me back."

"This girl I met at the other day—she actually nearly ran into me as I was getting gas."

"Holy shit. Is the famous player Lucian Dellarosa finally hooked by a woman?" Killian asked as he teased his friend. "What's she like man?" He asked as he lit a cigarette, Killian knowing he had to quit since it was a fucked up habit.

"She isn't like those other women, she is special. It's hard to describe but, when she nearly ran into me, I was fucking heated man, I was like ready to just curse her out and leave but—the moment she looked at me with those big brown eyes—fuck man I can't explain it." Lucian explained as Killian knew exactly how he was feeling, and he knew that one day all it would take was one special woman to reel in his best friend.

Killian smiled as his phone began to go off, Althea's beautiful face popping up on his screen as he felt a small surge of butterflies in his stomach. "Hey, beautiful. How's your day?"

"It's okay. I dropped complete works of Shakespeare on my foot today so that hurt." She laughed as Killian grimaced since he didn't want to think of Althea getting hurt.

His Burning Desire //Devils Hitman MC Book #1Where stories live. Discover now