Chapter Eight

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We made it to the big doors we came through after escaping the Maze. An alarm sounded overhead and Thomas had to shoot a couple guards with a gun we stole, but we made it. To the door, anyway.
I turned the red handle and the doors opened with a sound that reminded me of the Glade doors.
We ran out into the darkness of the night. It was windy, and sand was blowing in my face.
We ran for what seemed like forever, dodging the soldiers lights.
“In here!” Sam called.

*Newt’s POV*

“Sam wait!” Aris called after the light blond girl. She climbed into a building nearly buried in the sand.
Sam didn’t wait, and Terra followed her, and I followed Terra.
It was dark inside. “Anyone have a bloody flashlight or-“
A flashlight clicked on. Sam held the light.
“I’m always prepared for things like this, cutie. Here.” She tossed Terra another light, which Terra turned on and found two more flashlights.
This place was huge. Things littered the ground; clothes, picture frames, and a bunch of other things.
We split up.
“Look for anything we might need. Food, warmer clothes.” Terra said.
I ended up with Thomas. I found a jacket and a scarf, which were actually pretty warm.

*Terra’s POV*

“Found clothes and food. Anything else?” Minho asked me.
“Signs of life. People.” We walked into what used to be a lounge of some sort.
“Does he count?” Minho asked. I followed his gaze to a dead guy on a cushioned chair. The guy had suffocated himself by wrapping a plastic bag around his face.
“Wow.” Is all I said.
“Hey look. A generator. Lights.” He pushed a button on a big generator.
“Minho wait-“ the lights switched on, lighting up the room and whole building.
“See? Lights-“


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