Chapter Two

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“I love this!” I heard Minho call.
The Rat-man gave us fresh clothes to put on after we showered, which, as Minho obviously thought, was awesome. I thought so, too.
I felt so fresh and clean after I put on the new clothes. So did the others. Minho and Thomas were dancing. I laughed at them.
“Right this way, guys.” A dark skinned woman led us to a giant hospital looking room.
“You two, come here.” A man pointed to me and Newt.
“Sit.” The man said. We sat.
The man took my arm with one hand, and the other held a shot with a long needle. I jerked my arm away.
“What is that?” I asked him, suspiciously.
“Just some stuff to help your cuts heal.” He replied.
“Mark, come here for a second. This boy needs stitches.” Another man was cleaning Thomas’s arm.
Our man sighed and handed me and Newt each a syringe.
“It needs to go right here.” He pointed to a spot above his collarbone. “But do it for each other.” Then he walked away.
I turned to Newt. I was going to ask who should give the shot first but Newt pulled the collar of his shirt down to his collarbone.
I leaned forward and pushed the needle in.
“Do you trust them?” Newt asked me. I glanced over to the dark skinned lady, who was talking to Teresa.
“I’m not sure.” It was true. I didn’t know what to think. “Do you?”
I pulled the syringe away and set it on a table, then pulled my shirt to my collarbone.
“I don’t know yet.”
I cringed when I felt the small needle slide under my skin.
If only the soldiers had gotten to the Maze sooner. Fry would still be alive.
A single tear fell down my cheek. Newt put the syringe down and wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back.

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