Chapter Four

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“Here’s the boys room. Terra, yours is this way.” Janson said.
I appreciated them for having an extra room just for me, but there was still something weird about our “rescuers”.

I shook my head. “No, I wanna stay with them.”

“Terra-“ Janson started.

“She stays with us.” Newt said and I gave him a grateful look.

“Fine. But I need to ask you a few questions, Terra.” Janson started walking away. I knew I needed to follow him.

Minho grabbed my arm as I started after Rat-man.
“You sure?” He asked. I nodded and he let me go.

“So tell me what you know about WCKD.” Janson said once we were sitting alone in a room without windows. Just a table and two chairs. I did see a camera in a corner though.

“Not much. Just that they put us in a maze to find a cure for the Flare. They’re dead, right?” I asked.

Something flickered in the Rat-man’s eyes. A secret. He knew something.

“Do you know what the Flare is?” He asked.

“Yeah. A virus that turns into a zombie or something.”

“We call them Cranks.” The Rat-man stated.

I wanted to ask why they called them that, but it didn’t wasn’t important.

“Who are you guys?” I ask instead.

Janson smiled. “We’re some of the last people on earth.”

* * *


I lifted my head.


I heard it again.

“Under here!” Someone whispered. It was coming from under my bed.

I crawled out of my bed and looked underneath. I jumped back when I saw the lone boy behind a vent screen.

He pushed it open.

“Follow me!” He whispered.

“In your shucking dreams.” I told him. He looked confused by my words for a second.

“There’s something you gotta see.” He said. When I didn’t reply, he said, “These people aren’t who you think they are.”

And with that I followed him into a maze of vents.


I paused and sighed. Looking back, I saw Minho at the vent opening.

“Come on,” I whisper shouted to him. He looked over his shoulder before crawling in after us.

“Where are we going?” I asked the boy.

“Shh, come on.” He didn’t stop.

After a few turns, he stopped at a vent screen that faced down from the ceiling.

I crawled up beside him and looked down. Minho was on his other side.

The vent showed a hallway and double doors that required a card to enter.

“What are we doing?” Minho shot a confused look to the boy.

“Just wait.”

We waited.

I was about to say something about my annoyance when the dark skinned doctor walked up to the door and slid a card through. The doors opened and she disappeared into the room. A second later another doctor went in, pushing a long cart that held... a body. Four more carts followed.

“Same time everyday. Only the doctors come back out.” The boy looked at me expectantly.

Five bodies. Five kids were chosen to go to the sanctuary today.
My eyes widened and I met Minho’s, then Aris’s gaze.

“I don’t think anyone actually leaves this place.”

After a moment the boy turned to leave.

“Wait.” I said.

He paused and looked at me expectantly.

“What’s your name?” I asked him.

“Aris. Yours?”


He nodded, then disappeared into the vent.

“Yeah, I’m here, too,” Minho said.

The Scorch Trails (Terra+Newt)Where stories live. Discover now