tag team auditons!

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everyone needs an allie and being apart of a tag team is a forever allie, someone who will always have your back against your enemies, someone who will stick with you through thick and thin.

if that interests you and you want to be apart of a tag team, you can sign up two OCs then have them form a tag team if that's what you want to do.

two is the limit for tag teams, I may also let you form a stable later on but this will just be for tag teams.

if you're interested, please fill out a form below and also create the wrestler form on each character.

please have the genders be female x female or male x male, a mixed match tag team tournament might be on the agenda later on but other than that.

thank you! :)

Characters included:
Team name: (you don't have to have one)
Been together: (how long have you been as a team)
Past accomplishments:
Come out together: (do you want them to come out together or separate for your ring entrance)
Matching ring gear: (yes or no, if it's yes, please send me a link through message or tag me your ring gear)
Tag moves: (these are only the moves you're doing together, if you're not doing any moves together, you don't have to fill this part out)
Personality: (please describe how the two interact around each other and how they are in the ring)

not much to this but considering you'd be filling out the form on the second update too, I wanted it short. Thanks for signing up! I'm excited for this book! :)

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