Author's note

3.3K 97 31

It's over. It's done. ;_____;

I wrote this story for 2 months. During those two months, I had the hardest time of my life so far, and writing this story has been one of my most important escapes. The views, the votes and the comments kept me going, you kept me going, so thank you so much. I was overwhelmed by the support I got, like seriously. It still amazes me: 2K reads and over 120 votes. That's just, like, woah. Thank you. I'm not a good writer, and yet you've been reading this. Thank you.

So, I guess I have to say farewell now. I feel like Bilbo. But I promise, I'll continue writing in the future because I really enjoy it!

But for now, farewell my friends, until the next meeting. :3

An Unexpected Feeling (Bagginshield)Where stories live. Discover now