The last goodbye

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[A/N: Okay, since I have an internet access here in London, I thought I'd publish the next chapter now :)]

Bilbo woke up. He didn't know how long he had been lying there on the rocks. He opened his eyes.

'Mmhm... What is that bright light?'

Bilbo covered his eyes. He saw bright lights and movement in the sky.

'Am I dead? I can't be, I can feel the hardness of these rocks. Ouch.'

He just lay there until his eyes got used to the brightness. Then he saw what the movement was.

"The Eagles are coming..." Bilbo whispered.

The Eagles. Had they saved Thorin? Was the battle over? Thorin. He had to find Thorin.

Bilbo got up carefully and looked around. Dead bodies, mostly Orcs. The Eagles cawed in the sky and Bilbo heard some distant screams, but Ravenhill was silent.

He took a few steps forward.

"Hello, is anyone there?", he asked with a shivering voice. No one answered.

'There's no one here. All the orcs are dead. Now, I must find Thorin at once.'

He ran around Ravenhill trying to find Thorin, with no luck. He searched and searched until there was just one place left he hadn't checked. A square covered in ice on a higher cliff.

Bilbo ran to the square. He looked around him. The ice had shattered in many places; someone had clearly fought there. And then he saw it. Azog's dead body. Bilbo approached it carefully. Azog had Thorin's sword in his chest. The blade had gone deep, through the ice.

"Thorin... Thorin!" Bilbo yelled, turning his head in every direction.

Then he saw a body on the edge of the cliff. Bilbo ran up to it. It was Thorin. And he was still alive.

"Thorin..." Bilbo whispered.

"Bilbo. I'm glad you've come," Thorin said. His voice was cracking.

Bilbo knelt down next to him. He slightly opened Thorin's coat to see how badly he had been wounded.

"Oh dear..." Bilbo covered his mouth in shock. A blade had gone straight through Thorin's chest.

"Bilbo... I am so sorry that I have lead you to such peril," Thorin coughed.

Bilbo's started to feel the tears in his eyes.

"No, I am glad to have shared your perils, Thorin. Each and every one of them. It is far more than any Baggins deserves" he said.

"Farwell, master Burglar."

"No, Thorin, don't you do that! You are going to live. I'm going to help you."

"You've already helped me."

"Thorin, listen. You remember what you said in Laketown, at the weaponry? We will have an infinity, Thorin. Remember?"

Thorin tried to smile, but he was in too much pain. He tried to grab Bilbo's hand. Bilbo noticed this, took Thorin's hand and held it tightly.

"Go back to your books, your armchair. Plant your trees, watch them grow. If more of us valued home... Above gold... This world would be a merrier place. But merry or not, I must leave it now."



"No, Thorin... Look, the Eagles... The Eagles are coming."

Bilbo squeezed Thorin's hand in his hands.

"The Eagles..."

Bilbo burst into tears. Thorin wasn't answering anymore. It couldn't end like this. Where was their infinity?

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