Wishes of hope

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This continued for days. Some moments Thorin was more like himself, reasonable and kind. But sometimes he was just... something else.

The four missing dwarves found their way to the Mountain which was a big relief to everyone. Thorin, however, made them all search for the Arkenstone right away.

"No one rests until it's found," he commanded.

Bilbo wasn't searching. Thorin didn't want to put any pressure on Bilbo, which showed that he wasn't completely out of his senses. Besides, Bilbo would have been frustrated with searching, since he had the Arkenstone. Even though no one knew.

He really wanted to give it to Thorin. He almost did, a couple of times. Balin, however, had said that the Arkenstone would just make Thorin's situation worse. It was called the dragon sickness, Balin had said. Still, Bilbo couldn't watch Thorin suffering anymore. He decided to tell him about the Arkenstone

He got the chance to do so pretty soon, as Thorin had come to him to ask what Bilbo held in his hands. It was an acorn. For the first time in days, Bilbo saw Thorin smiling. He hated to have to change the subject, but this could be his only chance to tell Thorin about the Arkenstone.

"Thorin, I... I know you want the Arkenstone. You've been looking for it for so long," Bilbo said carefully.

At this point, Thorin stopped smiling. He just stared at Bilbo's serious eyes and thought. He thought about Bilbo, and the, the Arkenstone. Bilbo, the Arkenstone. It felt weird, Bilbo talking about it. His love talking about his... other love.

"And I... I have... Found it, Thorin. I have the Arkenstone."

Thorin's heart dropped. He didn't say anything for a while.

Bilbo was frightened. After a while, he saw the confusion turn to anger and need in Thorin's eyes.

"Give it to me," Thorin said,

"Give it to me NOW. Why aren't you giving it to me!" he yelled.

In this moment, Bilbo realized that Thorin simply couldn't have the Arkenstone. Bilbo should keep it and then lose it. If Thorin would have it, it would destroy him, just as Smaug had said. And that was not what Bilbo wanted.

"GIVE IT TO ME!" Thorin yelled and grabbed Bilbo's shoulders, shaking him violently.

Bilbo had no other choice but to take the Ring from his pocket. It was difficult, since Thorin was shaking him and shouting at him, but he managed to put it on. Bilbo became invisible.

Thorin raised his hands. He was confused for a moment. Then he became aggressive again.

"WHERE ARE YOU? Are you trying to trick me? You snitch!"

Bilbo could hardly leave the room without Thorin hitting him with his arm.

He ran away until he got to a terrace. He looked around him. Thorin was gone.

Bilbo took deep breaths. He had to gather his thoughts. He took off the Ring and put it back in his pocket. Then he made sure that he still had the Arkenstone with him.

What to do now? Throw the Arkenstone into the lake? Or... Give it to the Elves? Of course!

The other day, the armies of the Elves and Men had camped near the Mountain. Bard was their leader, and the Elven king Thranduil. Their purpose was to get their share of the treasure, but Bilbo knew that Thorin wouldn't give them that. Not now.

But maybe the Arkenstone could help? Maybe they could blackmail Thorin with it? To stop the dragon sickness, to get him back to his senses? And by doing so, stop the risk of war? Thorin would probably hate Bilbo after that, but in the end, it was all for justice. And for love. Everything would be just fine.

And so Bilbo left the Mountain at nightfall. The others were already asleep. Bilbo went to the Elves and found a tent where Thranduil and Bard were having a meeting. And for Bilbo's big surprise, Gandalf was there, too. The wizard of their Company, who had abandoned them after the night at Beorn's house. Bilbo was glad to see him again.

Bilbo introduced himself, although Thranduil was the only one who didn't know him yet.

"And what are you here for, master Baggins?" Thranduil asked with a slightly confused, yet calm voice.

Bilbo took the Arkenstone out of his coat and laid it on the table in the middle of the tent.

"This is the Arkenstone, the heart of the Mountain. It is also the heart of Thorin. I took it, and I  will give it to you now."

Thranduil and Bard stared at the stone. It was beautiful, white and shimmery. Gandalf just looked at Bilbo and smiled proudly.

"And why are you doing this?" Bard asked. He was confused.

"It might help you," Bilbo said,

"Trade it with Thorin. That would help him also. It would help us all, I assume."

Gandalf nodded and spoke.

"Very wise indeed. Thank you Bilbo, this will truly help us all. Thranduil, Bard, we'll go to the mountain at sunrise. Bilbo, we must find shelter for you now, for dangerous things might happen soon," he said.

Thranduil took the Arkenstone. Bilbo followed Gandalf outside.

"What dangerous things? Showing the Arkenstone to Thorin will probably bring him back to his senses. And there won't be a war between Dwarves, Elves and Men. Everything will be as it should," Bilbo said.

Gandalf didn't answer.

"Come, Bilbo, I know where you can stay the night."

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