Chapter six - Sneaking out

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Tommy sighed and checked his phone again. He had told himself so many jokes, stories and thought of so many memories to pass time, he was sure the family would be asleep by now. He knows his brothers went to bed ages ago, aswell as Philza. He knows Wilbur came home and went to bed aswell as Techno. He just wasn't sure if they were asleep.

Tommy's phone brightened up his dark room and he looked at the time, seeing an hour had passed since he last looked. There was no way they weren't asleep now. Tommy smirked and pulled the blankets off of himself. He slipped his shoes on, pulled his phone off it's charger and shoved it in his pocket, then approached the window. Gently he turned the handle and pushed it open, he opened it wide enough for him to slip out and quietly climbed into the sloped roof. He closed the window but not all the way, enough for it to look closed but enough for him to just open later and get back in.

He crouched down and snuck to the side, laying on his stomach to peak over the edge. He noticed the white rails and spun around so he was going feet first. When his tiptoes touched the edge of the rail he let go of the roof and crouched down until he felt safe enough to jump onto the grass that was only a metre away. He smiled and broke into a run, down the neighbourhood road, trying to remember the way Phil had gone. Tommy sent his friend a quick message saying he was on his way and continued his 1 am trip.

Tommy stopped at the park entrance and saw his friends figure. He broke into a sprint and tackled the man to the ground. Tommy broke into laughter as his friend grumbled under him. "Fucking hell.. your a real ass you know that?" His friend cursed while getting up, Tommy only laughed hard to the point his sides hurt. He never got to laugh. "It's not even that funny." Tommy shook his head and got up, still chuckling.

"I've invited a few friends, I hope you don't mind" his friend told Tommy, hoping the blonde actually wouldn't mind. "Any friend of Quackity's is a friend of mine" Tommy smirked walking alongside his friend, Quackity. "You won't be saying that once you meet these assholes" he laughed putting his arm around Tommy's shoulder and leading him like that. "I'm sure" Tommy replied, wrapping his arm around Quackity's shoulder like he had.

Just before they approached the group, the two split and walked over. "Guys! Meet-... GUYS!" Quackity yelled when he saw his friend weren't listening to him. "Meet Tommy." He said motioning to the blonde next to him. Tommy waved at the group of 3, earning a few greetings back. "I'm Karl" A boy with a mismatched hoodie waved, welcoming him over. "Thats George and Sapnap" he pointed to the other two. "Our friend Dream shouldn't be too long" the name Dream felt familiar to Tommy, but he couldn't pin point a face so immediately didn't put a thought to it.

The group broke into conversation. Talking about school, homework, drugs, clothes, games. They threw insults at each other and Quackity threw complements at basically everyone, but Tommy. "About time you were back" Sapnap said breaking Tommy out of his smiling stage, he turned the way everyone was facing and saw a face that froze him. "T-... Tommy?" Dream asked, surprised by the blonde being here.

"You guys know each other?" Quackity smiled, thinking nothing of the situation. "Yeah... I met him today... wait- how do you know him?" He turned to Quackity. "How did you meet him today?" Quackity fired back as a joke, not getting the serious tone in Dreams voice. "He's Wilbur's new brother! You invited a 14 year old out here!?" Dream yelled. Tommy's facial expression dropped. "I'm calling Wilbur- he's going to be worried sick if he finds out"

"What?" Tommy shouts in disbelief. "Don't call him! He doesn't own me" Tommy snapped. "Fine.. I'll call Phil then" Dream rolled his eyes pulling out his phone. "He doesn't own me either!" Tommy complained. "He adopted you-"
"Fostered me asshole, there's a difference" Tommy cut him off. "It doesn't matter, you're in his care" he said placing the phone to his ear. "Dream seriously.. don-" Quackity was cut off by Dream raising his hand telling him to be quiet.

ThreeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora