Chapter two - Infirmary

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Tommy groaned, feeling the steel cap boot collide with his ribs again. He curled up further and whined feeling the straining sensation react to the pressure he put on it.

"Now..." his attacker brushed his blonde hair out his eyes, breathing heavily, clearly tired from the kicks he sent Tommy's way. "Do... do you want to repeat that?" He asked, taunting the hurt boy who was laying against a wall. Tommy shook his head, knowing if he used his voice it would only hurt.

The taller blonde boy huffed, looking down at the pathetic boy he had just beaten up. "Lights out."

Before Tommy could react there was a hard object collide with his head and everything felt fuzzy, until he couldn't feel anything.


"Lily!" Tubbo yelled at the top of his lungs. He didn't like the women, but he wasn't being typically picky right now. Mainly because he was carrying his unconscious brother down the hall with the help of Ranboo. "Lily!" He tried again, her door was shut down the hall and he couldn't hear any commotion that signalled he was getting help. "Please!" The brunet boy yelled again, small amounts of tears perking his eyes.

His brother was reckless, constantly biting off more than he could chew. Last time he was like this, the boy was taken to a hospital and Tubbo wasn't able to see him for almost a month. Just because he wasn't allowed to leave the orphanage. When Tommy came back to the orphanage he was so weak, Tubbo didn't sleep for days, he was scared his big brother would pass in his sleep. Leaving Ranboo and him alone.

"Tubbo..." Ranboo said with wide eyes. Tubbo looked over at his brother and watched him sit on the floor, holding Tommy protectively. Tubbo got the hint and broke into a run to the women's office.

"Lily!" He yelled opening the door. Instead of the person he was after, 3 pairs of eyes fell onto the short brunet. Tubbo stared at them with horror. If Lily wasn't here, he couldn't get Tommy to the nurse. The boys weren't shown the infirmary, the workers didn't want anyone running there to hide and disturb the nurses. Only those who were actually injured were showed the way and since Tommy kept both his brothers safe, they didn't know the way.

Tubbo choked on a sob and held the door frame for support when his knees felt like falling.


Wilbur looked at the crying ram hybrid at the door and jumped to his feet. Sliding on his knees to pull the boy into a hug. "Shhh... shhh... shhhh, it's ok.." he tried to comfort the boy, trying to get him to calm down enough to tell him the problem. "What's wrong?" He asked.

Tubbo pointed behind him and said one word that made Wilbur's brain click. He heard the blondes name and saw Ranboo, Ranboo with a small body in his arms. "Dad!" Wilbur shouted behind him, grabbing Tubbo and picking him up while he ran over to the others. His brother and father got their first. Phil taking Tommy in his arms and Techno placing Ranboo on his hip like Wilbur had done with Tubbo.

Philza began to jog down the halls, Wilbur and Techno closely following behind. Tubbo trying to stop the tears that were streaming down his face, scared he wouldn't see his brother for another month. Ranboo held Technoblade tightly, scared he'd fall off, despite Techno's tight grip on the young boy.

Phil asked a few people, both workers and children for directions until he got to the infirmary. The nurses were surprised to see a family burst through the door, but took the blonde boy without any questions. "No!" Tubbo shouted watching the nurses take Tommy out of his sight. "Don't let them take him!" He struggled in Wilbur's grip, trying to get to his older brother. Wilbur sat on the ground for a better hold on the boy and pulled him closer to his chest.

"They're helping him" Wilbur spoke gently, trying to calm him down. "They won't take him away, I promise"

"P-Promise?.." Tubbo stopped struggling for a second. Normally he didn't trust others so quickly, especially promises that meant nothing to them, but Wilbur's words sounded different and gave him a little more hope. "Promise" Wilbur copied.

Tubbo relaxed a little bit more, sitting on Wilbur's lap as they waited for Tommy. Ranboo was on Technos lap, the two were quietly talking about something Wilbur couldn't hear.

"Do you know what happened to him?" Wilbur asked, hoping he wasn't pushing any boundaries and hoping he wouldn't send the boy back into tears. Tubbo shook his head. "We found him like that in the halls..." He said, blankly staring at the wall.

"I'm sorry for anything he said to you" Tubbo mumbled. Wilbur almost didn't pick it up. "He plays this game..." Tubbo continued, now knowing Wilbur had heard him the first time. "What's the game?" Wilbur asked softly. "Well... we all play it.." Tubbo ignored Wilbur's question for a moment. "We try to get kicked out of family's... as quickly as we can" Tubbo made eye contact with the brunet before quickly turning away. "But you don't want to play anymore?" Wilbur guessed. Tubbo nodded his head. "You guys don't seem as bad as our previous homes.. I don't want to play anymore"

"But don't let him know I told you!" Tubbo's mind clicked. If Tommy found out he would be upset, giving the family a head up wasn't good in his eyes. But Tubbo really liked this family, he wanted to stay with them. Ranboo did. Tubbo did. Tommy didn't. "I won't.. don't worry" Tubbo nodded and rested his head in Wilbur's chest.

Surprised, Wilbur didn't know what to do with his arms. Should he hug him tighter? Wilbur looked around the room and saw his father staring at him with a wide smile in his lips. He nodded and Wilbur hugged the boy. Smiling when Tubbo hugged back, getting comfy. Wilbur slowly nodded at his dad, hoping he got what he was trying to say.

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