Chapter five - Settling in

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The house was huge, in Tommy's eyes. Usually the houses the brothers were sent to were tiny, much smaller than this. The house was a two story white house with many square windows to lighten the insides, unlike his other homes that had big curtains to block out any light and eyes looking in.

Tommy was snapped out of his trance when the cars trunk was slammed shut and he came to a realisation that he was the only one in the car. He crawled out of the car and used it to stand up straight, he closed the car door and watched his brothers walk over to the house with Technoblade. He shook a bunch of keys around before unlocking the door and swinging it wide open. They followed him in and Tommy expected the door to slam shut, curtains to cover the windows and for him to hear the helpless screams of his brothers trapped inside, but nothing happened. The door stayed open and no curtains covered the windows, most importantly his brothers weren't screaming.

"You alright mate?" Philza asked next to Tommy, making the small blond jump in freight and trip over his own feet when he landed and felt pain shoot up his legs. He whined on the ground feeling his body throb in pain and exhaustion. "I'm so sorry!" Philza apologised reaching down to Tommy to help him up. Tommy who was confused by the mans hand, flinched and covered his head with his hands, expecting Philza to slap him over the head for being so clumsy.

"Tommy..." Tommy opened his eyes and lowered his arms to see Philza looking at him with wide eyes. Tommy cleared his throat and with the help of the car he got to his feet. "Your.. your uh... bag." Philza tried to smile warmly while he handed Tommy his bag, but after witnessing what he just had, it was hard not to reach out and pull the young boy into a hug.

Tommy snatched his bag back and flung it over his shoulder. He looked back at the house and swallowed a lump in his throat. Slowly, he began to walk to the house. At first it was a weird hobble but he soon realised it didn't hurt to walk as much as it originally did. He got into the house and looked around, he noticed many family photos hanging up on the walls and even sitting on tables and cupboards. A happy family of 3.

"Your brothers are probably being shown around, do you want a tour?" Phil asked softly, trying not to scare the boy like he had done earlier. "I'm good. Where am I sleeping?" Tommy asked, looking over his shoulder at the taller blonde. "Follow me" Phil said and began to walk up the stairs infront of them. Tommy followed and it didn't take them long at all to step into a plainly decorated room. "We thought it would be good for you all to have your own place" Philza explained as Tommy looked over the room.

A bed was placed in the corner of the room, next to it was a skinny tall window. He had a bedside table with a lamp. On the other side of the room he had a built in cupboard and a desk, next to the desk was a bigger window. The walls were plain and so was the floor. It was too empty.

"It's nice." Tommy mumbled under his breath as his eyes made contact with the window. "What was that?" Phil asked. "I said it looks empty" Tommy said louder this time. Phil had heard him the first time, he just wanted to test the boys honesty. "Well I'm going to leave you be, Tubbo and Ranboo's rooms should be next to yours"

Tommy heard his door shut and turned to find himself alone in his room. He walked over to his cupboard and dropped his bag at the bottom of it. He kneeled down and rummaged through it until he wrapped his fingers around the device. He pulled out his phone and it's charger, quickly putting it on charge and hiding it behind his bedside table, not caring he had to unplug his lamp to charge it. They wouldn't notice.

While he waited for his phone to charge, he walked over to his bigger window. Smiling when he saw no mosquito net or lock. He could get in and out whenever he wanted, IF he could find a way to the ground. Tommy leaned closer to the window and smiled when he saw his window led onto the front veranda.

He heard a beep behind him and saw his phone open to his passcode page. Normally foster children didn't have phones, but Tommy had been given this by one of his friends outside of the orphanage, it was their old one and they wanted to keep in contact with Tommy. He entered his passcode and saw a message he had been sent earlier today.

Aye asshole
When you get this reply
We need to catch up again

Whats up man

About time
Thought you died
I'll meet you at the orphanage gate then?

I got fostered
Meet me at ***** park, I saw it on the way here
Hopefully I'll remember the directions

Easy man
Cya then

Cya then

Tommy knew he'd have to sneak out, there was no way Phil would let him roam the streets alone. He had to wait for everyone to be asleep. Gently, Tommy placed his phone under the nightstand so it would be hidden, as well as making sure the cord was hidden. He didn't want either to be taken from him.

Tommy walked out of his room and down until he reached the door next to his, inside he heard his brothers laughing. Tommy opened the door and found his two younger brothers hanging upside down from a bunk bed. Instead of a bed underneath the bed they were on, a desk was there, connected to the bed. "Tommy!" Tubbo yelled smiling. "My room's so cool!" The goat hybird giggled jumping down from his bunk and spinning around to show off his room. "It's really nice" he said looking around. The only thing that caught Tommy's eyes, was Tubbos window. It had a mosquito net. But he also only had one window.

"Ranboo's room is like mine, we've already had a look at your room!" Tubbo smiled, his small goat tail wagging like that of a dogs. "Phil said he was making dinner aswell, if we wanted to come down and join them we could" Ranboo spoke up, gently sliding off of the bunk bed and landing with a soft thud. "Are you going to?" He asked with big wide eyes. "Uh... probably not, I'm really tired." Tommy created an excuse. "I'm probably going to go to bed soon" he smiled weakly trying to add a tired effect. "Yeah.. you don't look very energetic boss man" Tubbo jumped over, pressing a hand to Tommy's forehead. "Maybe you should go to bed, I'll tell Phil your tired." Tubbo smiled and skipped out of the room.

Ranboo ran up to Tommy and pulled him into a tight hug. "I really like it here Toms, they're really nice" his younger brother mumbled into his chest, loud enough for him to hear. Tommy didn't know what to say, they WERE nice... and that was the problem. He didn't know how to react when being cared for by anyone that wasn't his brothers. People who were younger than him. He had friends that were older, yes, but they didn't care for him like this family was. It hadn't even been a day, he was scared he'd actually get connected.

"Tommy?" Ranboo's light voice broke Tommy out of his thoughts. "Yeah?" He asked. "What do you think of them?" Ranboo looked up at his brother, still hugging him. "I..." Tommy trailed off. He didn't know what he thought. "It doesn't matter what I think" he smiled and ruffled his younger brothers split dyed hair. "It matters that your happy" Ranboo frowned but Tommy quickly shooed him downstairs to join his brother while he returned to his room. Unaware of the hybird who had listened to their conversation.

Tommy collapsed onto his bed and kicked his shoes off, leaving them where they fell. He then pulled himself under the blankets. He reached down and picked up his phone, seeing no new texts which wasn't surprising. Tommy placed his phone back and stared at the ceiling. He wanted to be cared for, he really did. He just didn't know how to.

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