lashton (fluff)

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"my little secret, thats what you are."

Luke wanted to die. to the point where it clouded his mind every day, making him depressed. his band mates started to notice but paid no mind to it. The voices he never thought would come back, came back. Angrier and scarier than before.

"its stress." they said. "He's always been like that."

ashton on the other hand knew it wasnt stress. ashton knew luke was depressed and that the voices where back. but he didnt know what to do.

"come on luke. we have a meet and greet today." ashton said knocking on the door.

"coming." He mumble sliding the bracelets onto my cut up wrists and walking out.


The meet and greet put luke in a worst mood then when he first started. The "fans" ignored him unless it was to say insults as he held back tears and messed with his bracelets. One girl saw the red lines on his wrist and called out to everyone.

"Hey everyone guess what he cuts himself! The faggot cuts himself!"

That whole part of the mall went into Pandemonium. The insults and taunts became too much for Luke and he ran. He ran as fast as he could home. The other boys tried to follow but the crowd stopped them.

Luke was blinded by his tears as he rushed to his flat. His head felt like it was going to explode. Screaming Luke clutched his head the voices where screaming at him, the same insults the girls taunted him with.

"S-stop, please" he whispered, his hot tears dripping on the cuts, the pain not noticed by him. "STOP."

Luke stumbled to the bathroom, his nails ripping his skin and now bleeding cuts open. Rummaging through the medical cabinet he smiled seeing the sleeping pills Ashton sometimes used for his sleep. Counting them he saw that there where still 30 left. Almost a full bottle.

Walking back to his room, going to his closet he got the rope that's suppost to be used for emergencies if the flat was on fire. And climbing up on a chair Luke tied the rope to the fan, tugging on it to make sure that it might hold his weight good.

Popping the pills in his mouth Luke wrote a note, his blood and tears going on it. After folding it and stuffing it in his boob pocket Luke got on the chair, putting the noose around his neck.

"LUKE NO." Ashton screamed bursting into the bedroom. Startled Luke lost his balance and the chair fell.

"Luke..." Ashton whispered, rushing to the boy, hoping that in his dazed state he tied it wrong and might live.

Crying in relief Ashton saw that it wasn't. And pulling the boy down he dragged him to the bathroom. Turning on the water Ashton shoved his fingers down Luke's trought causing the boy to throw up all the pills. Not caring that he now had throw up on him.

"Why Luke? Why would you?" Ashton screamed tears running down his face.

"I'm tired of living ash...the fans hate me.. Every one hate me..." Luke whispered, crying because he failed.

"But I like you. No actually I love you."

"W-what?" Luke whispered before feeling a pair of soft lips on his chapped ones.

"I love you Luke hemmings,your perfect even with your flaws." Ashton said, kissing him again. Smiling when he kissed back.

"Don't listen to them Luke their wrong, your perfect just the way you are."

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