Chapter 16: Troubles of a First Time Father

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Having a mother who give birth to a few dozen children, you would think Katakuri was already an expert dealing with a pregnant woman. Considering that he was the second oldest not to mention that the oldest has a brain of a child while the two who followed him were irresponsible, Katakuri thought that he really knows what to do to take care of a woman with a child. But now that he has a pregnant wife to deal with, proved how wrong he was.

First thing was, [y/n]'s pregnancy was a lot different than his mother's.

His mother never threw up or have intense moods. Sure she eats five times than normal but other than that, she still acts the same old mama.

[y/n] on the other hand was different.

The first few months of her pregnancy, Katakuri always finds himself waking up from the sound of his wife, throwing up on the bathroom.

He never had to deal with that back then that was why it never occurred to him that she was with a child when he first found her puking her guts off, months ago.

He was so worried at that time and even though the doctor told him that morning sickness was a normal thing to pregnant women, he still couldn't help but to worry.

His brothers and sisters scolds him for being a worrywart but what can you expect from a first time father?

Having to deal with morning sickness was troublesome but whats worse was [y/n]'s mood swings.

Now, everyone knows that Katakuri takes no shit. No one among his brothers and sisters, including Perospero gives him the 'tone' that would make him snap in anger since they know how short tempered he could be.

A pregnant [y/n] on the other hand was fearless.

Normally, [y/n] was a sweet and gentle girl who knows that she was under Katakuri in position and status.

But once in a while, her terrible mood swing would come out and would act high and mighty, either ordering him around or nagging about useless shit that pisses her off about him.

It always takes a load of patience and understanding from Katakuri's part not to snap at her.

One time however, he ended up yelling at her when he lost his temper from her nagging, sending her to a crying fit.

Never once his siblings have ever gave him a 'I'm very disappointed in you' look before. Heck, even Cracker was giving him that look and getting that from Cracker of all people was quite shameful.

In the end, he has no choice but to sweet talk his wife, begging for her to stop crying.

Since then, he was trying his best to be a lot more patient and to just take whatever she throws at him no matter how annoying and irritating it was.

Another thing he has to deal with was [y/n]'s diet.

He understand cupcakes tastes good but the doctor reminded them that she needs more greens, meats and so on to ensure the babies health.

He honestly think that it didn't matter what she eats because mama never had any problem giving birth to healthy babies despite only eating sweets.

But then, he remembered mama wasn't normal and [y/n] was a lot different than her. She was fragile and very small compared to his superhuman mother.

He ended up forcing her to eat foods other than cupcakes which was quite troublesome since she was being stubborn, refusing to eat anything other than cupcakes.

It was thanks to her father and siblings who visited weeks ago, that she started to eat vegetables and meat even for just a bit.

[y/n] also began complaining about her weight. She keep saying she was gaining weight although Katakuri couldn't see what made her say that.

She still looked the same in size saves for her stomach.

And if he we're to be honest, he would prefer if she would gain a little meat on her bones.

Trying to be a dutiful husband, he also treats her with back and leg massage which was unlike him since he's the great Charlotte Katakuri. He don't serves people! People serves him!

It might be out of character for him but whenever she smiles and thank him for doing it for her, he couldn't help but to think that it might not be that bad.

She was not just 'other people' anyway. She was none other than his wife. His wife who was carrying his twins on her womb.

Being a husband of a pregnant woman might be annoying, irritating, troublesome and stressful. But whenever it was evening and they were in bed while he has his ear on her swollen tummy as he listened to the kicks of his little ones, he was always reminded that it was all worth it.

He was a pirate born from a pirate.

As a child, he was taught to be merciless, cruel and blood thirsty.

But he was raised with his siblings. He has a family whom he cared.

Others be damned but he would always protect his family and subordinates.

That was why despite of his status or bounty, he could still become a good husband and father.

For Katakuri, family comes first. And above all, his wife and children comes first.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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