Chapter 5: Blooming Feelings

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"How are you feeling, dad?" [y/n] asked as she held her father's hand.

The old man smiled as he tightened his hold over [y/n]'s hand.

"Feeling better. Thanks to your song."

[y/n] smiled back, shaking her head. "It's nothing. I'll do everything to save you."

"I'm surprised they let you come. We thought you won't be coming over. We we're already losing our hope," Staccato, the heir of the throne and [y/n]'s older brother said.

"Yeah. We're already prepared to attack Big Mom's territory to retrieve you, you know?" Serenade, her younger sister added.

"It was all thanks to Katakuri-sama. He'll deny it but I'm sure he tried his best to reason with his mother. That was probably why he didn't came home after we argued," [y/n] said with a gentle smile on her face, remembering her husband's clumsy kindness.

Staccato let a snort. "Don't tell me you're already falling in love with that terrible man. May I remind you that the man is a criminal with a bounty enough to feed hungry people from a poor starving country?!"

"Nii-san! Don't say things like that! Katakuri-sama isn't that bad! He always watch over me and tried his best to protect me," [y/n] argued.

"He managed to poison you, huh? Is that what they call Stockholm Syndrome?" Staccato said with a disgusted look.

"Staccato, that's enough," their father said, breaking the argument. "No matter how much we despise him and his whole family, [y/n] is his wife now. All we could do is to support her. After all, it was my fault she ended up in this situation. I should have known there is no escaping the Big Mom pirates."

"Dad, it's not your fault. You're just trying to do what you think is the best for our people," [y/n] said, trying to make her father feel better.

It was no use though. The man felt that it was really all his fault that [y/n] ended up suffering.

"Where's your husband, anyway?" Serenade changed the topic, hoping to lighten the mood.

"I think he was managing the cargo's. I feel bad. Its my fault the wheat field dried up. And now, Katakuri-sama we're forced to do more work." [y/n] frowned guiltily.

"His mother seriously need to lessen her food consumption," Staccato commented.

"Is he going to join us for dinner tonight?" Serenade asked.

[y/n] shook her head. "I think he prefer eating alone. I never seen him eat with anyone even with his mother or siblings. I don't even know when he eats but I heard from the servants that he always have a snack alone, same time, everyday."

Staccato snorted. "Weirdo," he muttered.

"Staccato..." their father said in a warning tone.

"I think it's almost time for his snacks." [y/n] stood up, making the three look at her questioningly.

"Where are you going, nee-chan?" Serenade asked.

"I'll tell the chefs to prepare some tea and sweets for Katakuri-sama. And I also need to find him and bring him to a vacant room where he could freely enjoy them," she said, skipping out of the room happily.

The three watched her leave with a lost look.

"Is it just me or she really do look like a woman in love now?" Staccato questioned.

Their father shook his head. "Nope. I think that man managed to capture her heart."

"Ah. Katakuri-sama." [y/n] smiled as she saw Katakuri who just returned from the dock. "Welcome back! It's almost time for your snack. I'll go tell the chef to prepare something for you. Anything you wanted?"

Katakuri stopped in front of her. "Donut. Lots of them."

[y/n] nodded. "I understand. I'll tell them to hurry it up."

"You're done treating your father?" he questioned.

[y/n] nodded. "Yes. Thank you, again."

He turned and began to walk away. "I told you. It just happened I'm coming here," he said. "Tell them to bring the snack to our room. And..." he stopped, turning his head to her a bit. "We're going out after so be ready." With that, he continued on his way, leaving [y/n] wondering where they we're going.

It seems that Katakuri only wanted to walk around the garden with her.

[y/n] held onto his arm as they made their way through the garden behind the palace.

She love that place. Back when she was a child, her mother would always bring her and Serenity for a picnic in there.

Katakuri looked relaxed too. He seems very stressed from his mother's orders. [y/n] was glad he was enjoying something as simple as a walk in the garden.

"Thank you for everything, Katakuri-sama," she said, making the tall man look down at her.

"Is this about your father again? I told you that my real purpose here is to collect flour, didn't I?"

"No. Not only for that. I'm thanking you for always protecting me. And I'm sorry about the way I acted back at the Wheat Island. I'm still angry about Byron though," she said, muttering the last part. "Honestly though, I'm glad it's you I ended up marrying."

Katakuri said nothing but he stopped walking, making her stop too.

Her eyes widened in surprise when Katakuri suddenly reached down to her cheek and stroked it gently.

"K-Katakuri-sama..." her cheeks reddened from the action.

Her voice however seems to snap him from whatever was it that came to him and pulled his hand away.

He looked away. "Let's go," he said as he continued walking.

"Ah yes." She run after him, disappointed that he pulled away.

She felt cold and sad as her skin missed the heat of his rough hand.

As the couple walked, a pair of eyes watched them from the castle window above.


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