Chapter 13: Insatiable

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"Ahh... K-Katakuri-sama" [y/n] moaned as her husband thrusts his hips on her. Her legs, parted wide to accommodate the large frame of her husband as her nails, digging deeper on his back.

"[y/n]..." Katakuri growled, feeling his climax coming.

Weeks after their first time making love, Katakuri turned into a insatiable beast whenever he was with his wife.

It was early in the morning and they just woke up but Katakuri suddenly pounced on [y/n], wanting to devour her, for his so called 'morning snack'.

Both of them we're on the 'peak' when loud knocking sounded on the door.

"Ooiii! Nii-san! Are you still in bed?! We have work to do!" Cracker's loud voice sounded.

"Nii-chan! Why are you still in bed?! Its not like you to be late!" It seems that Cracker was not alone. Brulee's with him.

Katakuri growled at the interruption. "Go away!" Katakuri shouted as he tried to keep going with his thrusts.

[y/n] bit her hand to stifle any sound. She feared Cracker and Brulee would find out what they were doing so early in the morning.

"Can't do! You know we can't start without you." Cracker argued back.

[y/n] heard the door knob turning. It seems that Cracker was turning it. Thankfully, the door was locked.

"Come on! What are you still doing?! You're already awake!" Cracker impatiently shouted, banging on the door.

"Shit." Katakuri cursed as he finally released his seed deep into [y/n].

He slumped over her tiredly, breathing heavily.


"Go already! I'll catch up!" Katakuri growled.

"Fine! Just don't blame me if you get scolded later!" Cracker yelled back and walked away with Brulee, probably following him.

"They're a pest. They make me want to kill them sometimes." he whispered as he pressed his face on the side of her neck.

[y/n] chuckled, stroking his back. "You say that but I'm sure you love them so much, it was impossible for you to hurt them."

"Like hell I do." he grumbled making her laugh.

"You better go now. Linlin-sama is going to get angry." she said.

Katakuri raised his head and give her a deep kiss.

"Join me for a snack later."

She smiled. "I will."


[y/n] let a tired sigh as she sat on the chair at the dining room.

Thanks to Katakuri's untameable appetite to bed her, her body feel sore and she was tired.

She refused to tell it to Katakuri of course. She can't just tell him to stop when he looked so happy.

The servants laid her breakfast on the table but she was so tired to even lift a finger.

"Milady? Are you okay?" one of the lady servant asked, looking at her in concern.

She look up to the woman and smiled. "Ah... Yes. Sorry. Thanks for the breakfast." she said, turning her attention to the food.

"You look tired, milady. Are you not sleeping well again?" she asked.

[y/n]'s cheeks reddened a bit. She weren't sleeping well, sure. But that was only because her husband refused to let her sleep at night and tends to wake her up in pleasure every morning.

"Milady? Are you sick? Your face is red." she observed.

"No! No! I'm okay! Really!" she forced a smile. She really need to stop blushing over the thoughts about her husband.


Katakuri returned, a few minutes before his snack time.

He used to use an empty room as a snack room before but now that he don't have anything to hide to [y/n], he came back eating on their room like back then, before he married [y/n].

Lying on [y/n]'s lap, he devoured one donut after another while [y/n] just watched him fondly.

"Hmm~ Anything made from sweet flour taste good. Why aren't you eating, [y/n]?" he asked, mouth half full.

"You do know that I can't eat as much as you do. I'm already stuffed." she said, chuckling.

"No way. I even told them to double the amount of the snacks." he said before stuffing his face with more donuts.

[y/n] giggled in amusement. Katakuri do change whenever it was his snack time. He tends to be a lot more talkative and childish.

She stroked his crimson hair as he continued to devour the treats and as he talk about how good and sweet they are.

Being a princess, she was taught about table manners. The way Katakuri eats were definitely wasn't proper but [y/n] don't really care.

"I guess, loving someone makes someone be accepting of the good and bad things about their lover, huh?" she thought, looking at her husband fondly.

Once he emptied the basket full of goods, he sat up.

[y/n] handed him his tea and he drank it.

"Satisfied now?" she asked, smiling.

Katakuri grinned as he put the tea cup to the night stand. "Not yet."

"Oh. If that's the case, I'll go and get mo- Oh!" Her eyes widened as she was forced down to the bed.

Katakuri licked his lips with a grin before pressing butterfly kisses on her neck.

[y/n] knew what he want. Now done satisfying his stomach, it was time for him to satisfy what was under his pants. But... He was insatiable. It'll gonna be tiring time for her again.

"Katakuri-sama... We need to clean the bed. Sugar and crumbs has scattered." she whined.

"Later. We're going to make a mess more anyway." he said moving to capture her lips.


Katakuri forced his tongue inside her mouth, silencing her. [y/n] moaned, tasting the sweetness of what he have eaten.

When he pulled away, he let a sigh and pressed his face on her neck.

"You're the best thing that ever happened to my life." he whispered.

[y/n] closed her eyes with a smile. How could she deny him when he was being sweet like that?


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