Wondering About You

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I'm wondering about you
You're always in the back of my mind
I know it has been over four years
And I've seen you since
But I still wonder how you are
And if the rumors are true
That you broke apart more
After they gave up on you
You have made lots of mistakes, I know
But I don't know what they are
It all included lying I've heard
And that you couldn't make a fresh start
I know things are more complicated now
Heck, you're an adult
But I still see a kid in you just wishing you could win
You never had a normal life and you don't know who to blame
It could've been your mom you know
But maybe it was before then
I heard you have a boyfriend
And that he's really bad
You probably love him or something
But you need to let it go
He's a bad dude and he sure is not going to be a good dad
Your children deserve better and so do you
Take care of those kids
And keep them from being as damaged as you
I'm still wondering about you
Hoping you're okay
I guess I'll see you at a random holiday

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