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April first week.


"You're considering a modelling career?" Hajime asked and there was no harm in that question. Hajime was just surprised and Sachirou understands.

"Yeah..." Sachirou said and twiddle his thumbs.

"Why are you looking down? Chin up honey." Kenjirou said and Sachirou looked up and saw the smiles coming from his friends.

"A-aren't you guys mads at me? Are you disappointed?" Sachirou asked and Kei raised his brow.

"What are you talking about? Why would we get mad?" Kei asked.

"I told my parents about it and they said Its just a phase and I should snap out of it." Sachirou said which infuriated his friends.

"They what? Are they--- don't listen to them. Don't be discouraged." Osamu said who was so ready to throw hands.

"Be a model. Fuck their opinion. Do whatever makes you happy." Kiyoomi said.

"I don't know where to start..." Sachirou confessed and the six males shared looks and nodded.

"That's why we will help you out." Wakatoshi said.

That day, the seven guys got ready. Kei and Kiyoomi went out to look for great agencies for Sachirou. Wakatoshi and Hajime were contacting a professional photographer. Osamu was talking to someone on the phone and he was asking for a studio they can use. Kenjirou was looking for clothes for Sachirou to use for his pictorials.

Sachirou was really touched with how his friends were taking care of hin and when Kei saw him tearing up, he stood up and pinched his nose.

"Dont cry..." he said quietly and Sachirou smiled and hugged the youngest member of their gang.

"You're that touched?" Kei asked and Sachirou nodded.

"If theres a will, theres a way. Fuck your parents stupid opinions." Kenjirou said and approached Kei and  Sachirou.

"The studio is ready!" Osamu said and his friends turned to look at him.

"You. Why are you getting red?" Kiyoomi asked and stood up.

"Do you have a fever?" Wakatoshi asked.

"He just talked to his crush." Kenjirou started teasing and Osamu glared at him.

"Shut up. What crush are you talking about." He barked at the other omega but still he was blushing madly.

"Osamu has a little crush!" Kenjirou yelled and Osamu ran after the other male.

"You better stop or I'll cut your goddamn assymetrical bangs like the one your cousin has." Osamu threatened and caughed Kenjirou who was laughing.

"Im so scare huhu." Kenjirou mocked and Kiyoomi sighed. Wakatoshi and Kei just stared at Osamu as if they were scanning him. Sachirou was so happy to care while Hajime was so done.

"Stop it you two." Hajime said and separated Osamu and Kenjirou.

"You... you look better these days." Hajime said and ruffled Osamu's hair.

"I know right. His skin condition is better these days." Wakatoshi said.

"Its a relief you've been sleeping well and eating well these days." Kei said.

"H-huh?" Osamu asked.

"You lost weight but still you look healthy and you've been brighter these days." Kiyoomi pointed out.

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