
352 10 0

First week of February


Sachirou and Kourai were in Sachirou's condo. Even if they wanted to go outside, Kourai wont be able to eat anything he wanted because he was on a diet. He also had a game tomorrow.

Kourai will also sleep there because its going to be Sachirou's birthday tomorrow. He wants to be the first one to greet him in person and also wants to hand him his gift.

"Kourai?" Sachirou called the other male's attention.

"Yeah?" Kourai responds as he sat up on the bed and turned to look at Sachirou who was on the sofa.

"What if... I become a model?" Sachirou asked and Kourai was surprised. He didnt say anything but he then joined Sachirou on the sofa.

He was between Sachirou's legs as he hugged the taller male. He rests his head on Sachirou's head and reach out to hold one of Sachirou's hand.

"Do you want to be a model? Is it your own will or someone forced you again?" Kourai asked and Sachirou told him he really wanted to become a model.

Kourai sat up and he straddled Sachirou's waist and he wrapped his arms around the brunette's head.

"Go for it. I'll be supporting you always." Kourai said and kissed Sachirou's forehead.

"Why arent you stopping me?" Sachirou asked in surprise.

"What gives me the right to do that? I dont want to take my boyfriend's happiness. Its not like its a bad thing like you are hurting other people by being a model or something." Kourai said and then he smiled at his boyfriend who smiled back and cupped his cheeks before he gave Kourai a soft kiss on the lips.

"Thank you Kourai." Sachirou said and Kourai hummed and nodded before he sighed when Sachirou didnt kiss him anymore.

"Kiss me more..." he whined and Sachirou chuckled before sitting up so he can kiss Kourai easily.

The two then started making out on the sofa and Kourai was the first one to pull away. He then smiled at Sachirou before resting his head on Sachirou's tummy.

"Go for it. I'll be your number one fan." Kourai said and Sachirou hummed.

"I'll be your number one fan too. You'll be seeing me tomorrow at the bleachers screaming your name." Sachirou said and Kourai chuckled.

"Youre so obvious. Cheer for my team too." Kourai said and kissed Sachirou's neck before playfully nipping it.

"Okayyy." Sachirou said and rubbed his nose on Kourai's neck which tickled the shorter male.


"Get him." Osamu's eyes widened when someone suddenly grabbed him when he just got outside his car in the parking lots. The parking lot in his condo not in Rintarou's condo.

"Let me go." He said as he was struggling from those alpha girls who had a first grip on him.

"First it was Sakusa Kiyoomi. Now Suna Rintarou? Just who do you think you are you lowly beta." One said and grabbed his hair making him wince.

"Stay away from them or you will regret it." They threatened and Osamu tried to ran away which angered them so he got slapped across the face.

He tried to look around and there were no cctvs in that area.

"Try to move or I will break your arm." One threatened and Osamu's eyes widened at the egg tray. He was being held back by three alpha girls who had crazy human strenght.

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