Chapter Forty one

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I can't remember telling you guys about Richard immediate elder sister wedding (aunty Margaret) that took place two weeks before we actually go for our service!
The wedding was outstanding, we all really had our best moment and it was one in town.
You need to come and see how handsome and gorgeous Richard was looking, i must say every ladies there had an eyes on him and they would have do anything to go down with him.
Some ladies can be desperate about what they want and can go to any length in proving it but hell no I won't allow that cox i was right beside him like handbag!
That alone will give them a caution: ALREADY TAKEN DON'T PUSH THROUGH.
funny right!
on a norms I would have try to avoid him but with what I see I had to be with him and he also appreciate that.
I had to keep my man from them!

Richard on the other hand was also all over me up and doing, well that cox it was vise versa
I guess you know what I mean!
Men too were staring at me like they just see the end of the world.

Can't really wait for when we going to have our wedding too!
I mean that will be after our service!
Am really anticipating for such moment.

Two weeks already gone and here we are preparing to part ways which wasn't funny enough for we all.
We all had a get-together before leaving for SERVICE, leaving our parents, comfort zone, friends and lot more to face whatever life has to offer us.
The get-together was just amazing a memory i will ever cherish!
You need to come and see the way the guys were treating us like eggs
What a beautiful moment being with the man you loved! You feel loved, saved, secure, beautiful,so much enthusiasm word can't really describe how I feel that moment.

I must admit SERVICE life is another different life and world entirely.
You meet new people from different part of the world,mingle and make another clicks of friends.

After our Camp we had a great time together as family despite coming together was bit hard but we had to do it to increase our bond before been posted to our various serving center.

It was really funny coming out together as we talked about how the camp was!
We really meet new friends during the Camp but can't match us
The guys did not leave any stone unturned to tell us how ladies flocks around them even to the extend of making themselves cheap.
I must say we the ladies were jealous and could not wait to tell them how those who are training us in the camp was advancing at us and really want something intimidate with us talk more of our collages
Bet you, we never agree nor give them any chance cox we really know what we want and why we were really there!
They became more jealous as they ask for prove on how we turn them down!
You need to see how pale their faces was hearing us speak.
After all they started it so they should deal with it.

The guys must have really imagine what would have happened if we aren't being engaged.
Countless times they called and begged us not to take off our rings cox that alone will scare guys aways from us.
Well that alone didn't help cox even if you tell them you engaged they will still see nothing bad in having something with you.
well that life for you, you experience different things in different ways

we all laugh after lots of gist and jokes. really fun been here we hugs ourselves as we decide to call it a day and saying another goodbye
we did miss each other
we echoo our slogans of unity to remind us what we are capable of

Together in unity we stand and scatter in disunity we fall!

On top we reach together, below we help each other to the top!

In the breeze we are firm in the rain we not wet Cox we stand out!

We live together but only in death we separate!

We still remain loyal and supportive!

OUR HEART AND SPIRIT WILL ALWAYS FIGHT FOR OUR GROWTH. we all chorus and place our hands on our hand as we both lift it high without any falling off.

Life goes on and on as thing get brighter and as our service ending get closer.
Our friendship keeps growing stronger and greater at every pass of time.

Unfortunately test of time came it was really a big test of time
Life throw at us a very heavy block that smashed us down little did we know we did experience such
Now the question is are we going to let it break us to pieces or watch the long term relationship collapse within a glimpse of an eyes?
Something need to be done and in doing it lies our strength to rise and rebuild!

After all our service was to test our friendship that one of Richard mom's word when she was trying to talk us into not going to same places.

join me as we unravel the mistry life place on us, let see if this will break us, destroy the bond of friendship, scatter the family, make us stronger or bring the best in us?

Don't ever stop trying

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