Chapter Fifty

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I felt so uneased with the arm around my waist, i almost pushed the person but i stop when I heard the person voice!

Tell me you didn't miss me My Princess!

Then i realised it was Richard, the love of my heart, My Pride and My everything. But why am I having such strange feelings for him then it occur to me he was the one i saw in my dream that I was chasing almost stabbing him.
I quickly wave my thought aways and turned around and hugged him like a lost but found child.

Well i missed you so much that I got tired of missing you! i told him

My apologies! You know i got so busy!

Busy to forget that i ever existed?
Anyway am happy to see you again, i said trying to leave the talk for another time.

Am so sorry My Princess, i promise I will make it up to you.! We kissed in a romantic way forgetting we are still outside.
Someone coughed making us realize our environment,we turn to see who it was only to see Philips staring at us!
Richard been uncomfortable with the way Philips was staring at me whisper into my ear asking Who he was i just answer him to be patient that he will find out very soon.

Leaving Richard with his thoughts i went to meet Bose who has been smiling chippy. As we walked towards the flat with Raphael and Precious at the front, Bose, Philips with me between and Richard behind us then i recognised a figure coming out of the flat as we almost got to the entrance then i turn to see Bose looking lustfully. I quickly tap her bring her back from her imagination.
She was off guard staring at the person coming out of the house like she have see what she haven't seen before!
I don't blame her the figured is no other person than Kayode, he was looking gorgeous and handsome, i must say he really have work on his look to make Bose fall in love with him knowing fully well his finacee and her admiration for handsome guy but then we were prepared too cox Bose was also looking charming and astonishing.
We greeted and we all walked into the house with lot of questions going on in everyone's mind.

We sat down and exchange pleasantries! Raphael stood up and welcome everyone, realizing a new face in our mist he start by introducing himself and his girlfriend and ask us to introduced ourself to be acquited with one another.

Am happy to see you all again and i must said we are all look brainstorming and outstanding it really been awhile but yet our faces are glowing. All you need to do is to enjoy this moment like there is no other moment.
My name is Raphael and with me is the love of my heart Precious!
Precious standing up to be recognized kissed Raphael making all of us blushing and smiling at their romance

Richard got up and introduce himself likewise, My name is Richard and with me is My world, My baby and My Princess the woman i chose to spend the rest of my life with.
I was just blushing when Richard praises, me standing facing him i kiss him on the lip so quickly that he demanded another soft and lasting kiss. Everyone laughed and Watch me kiss him emotionally with so much passion and desire.

Kayode introduce himself and then the next person was Bose who is supposed to introduced the person next to her.The guys wondering who Philips was were ear wide open to hear.

My name is Bose and with me is Philips my new boyfriend, Philips stood up and kiss her with a smile on his face.
Everyone was surprised except for we the ladies which are already aware!
The guys stare at one another asking some kind of question with their eyes which only them can understand.

Immediately Richard heard this he heavy a sight of relief and kiss me on my chess and whisper into my head thank God,cox he was feeling so uncomfortable with the guy around but after hearing this he is relief that no one is taking me away from him. I just smile and kiss him back on his lip telling him am all his and no one can take me away from him.

Raphael stood up drawing our attention back to the environment speak out and this time in appreciation!
Thank you so much for such wonderful introduction and to our new friend Philips we are happy You are with us welcome once again! Raphael say! Shall we rise and say our slogan of unity.
I know you be wondering if Philips will join us in it? Well he will and beside he knows the slogan because we left no stone unturned in teaching and telling him what to do!

Together in unity we stand and scatter in disunity we fall!

On top we reach together, below we help each other to the top!

In the breeze we are firm in the rain we not wet Cox we stand out!

We live together but only in death we separate!

We still remain loyal and supportive!

OUR HEART AND SPIRIT WILL ALWAYS FIGHT FOR OUR GROWTH. we all chorus and place our hands on our hand as we both lift it high without any falling off.

It was 9:01pm, We stood up and packed our things as Raphael shows everyone their rooms, a room for Bose and her new boyfriend which was closed to the room for Richard and I, Kayode had to stay in the living room all by himself while Precious stay with Raphael in his room.
After we have settled down we went to the dinning table to have dinner it was already 10:10pm.
It was 10:38pm after our meal we talked and gist for awhile before we finally went to bed.

Every moment is worth cherishing and enjoying but the best moment remain a great memories in our heart even to our very last.

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