Chapter 22

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Dante lucchese

"Any news?" I asked Sophie as she walked out of lexa's room .

"Good news or bad news?"

"Bad news" we said in unison . Rio , tessa , alex and i haven't moved an inch from lexa's door .

"Okay well she has a broken rib, a very bruised jaw and a broken arm"

"Jesus this people have no chill"

"Yeah and im gonna need you all to not stress my patient escpecially you capo"

"I won't , now can i see her please?"

"Wait doctor , what was the good news?"

"She wasn't raped"

"Oh thank heavens" alex sighed.

"Can i go now?" I asked a bit annoyed.

"Yes you may"

I went into lexa's room and saw her lying in bed .

"Amoŕe" i sighed as i sat next her on the bed and held her hand.

"Hey" she smiled , weakly .

"How you feeling?"

"Sore as hell"

"Im so sorry i couldn't protect you"

"Don't do that"

"It's my fault and i wanna make it up to you"

"Dante im gonna need you to not blame yourself , it's just making it much worse"

"Fine amoŕe" he sighed , kissing my forehead .

"So do you know who did this?"

"Moretti was hired to do this, we're still trying to figure out who would hire him"

"Did you call my parents?"

"No , i wanted to wait till you were awake"

"Well let's call them"

She grabbed the ipad from the beside table . "Are you sure you wanna talk to them?"

"It's better now then never , plus i need to know if chase had anything to do with this" she gestured to her brusied body .


"He lost the privilege to be called dad"

"Okay then"

She clicked on her mom's number and called marie up . We waited a minute or two before her mom's face appeared on the screen.

"Oh my god alexa! What happend?" Her mom yelled .

"I got kidnapped"

"By who? Do you wanna come home?"

"Aww you would like that wouldn't you"

"Excuse me?"

"Mom , where's chase?"

"Hmm i don't know where chase is but i do know where your dad is"

"Well call that man please"

"Why are you acting like this?"

"Oh my bad , i guess almost getting raped and killed sure fuckes up my manners"

"Raped and killed?"

"Yes mother now get chase"

"Fine" she went over to chase and his face appeared on the screen .

Mafia Series #2 : Dad's Italian Mafia FriendWhere stories live. Discover now