Chapter 04

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Alexa Carrington

"Alexa" i heard a knock on my door.

"Im sleeping" i yelled .

"Then wake the fuck up"

"No im too lazy to answer the door!"

"Fuck alexa!"

I heard a gunshot and i sprung out of bed and opened the door.

"Why the hell are you shooting my door down?" I looked at alex and dante in disbelief.

"You weren't gonna open the door so i got dante to shoot it"

"You know dad keeps spare keys downstairs right?!"

"Yeah but this was way cooler"

I walked up to them and flicked them both on the head and slammed my door close .

"Lex" dante opened the door again .


"Your dad told me about last night" he sat next to me on the bed .

"Oh and lexa dad got me a cooking gig in italy isn't that cool?"

"Yeah totally im so happy for you" i smiled  . He kissed my forehead and walked out .

"So you want to tell me more about this stalker?"

"His name is max . He goes to our campus we have one class together but somehow he's always around me"

"I mean you could head with me to itlay"

"But your a mobster isn't that putting me in more danger?"

"Lex your gonna be safer with me than anyone else"

"Fine I'll come with" i mumbled .

"Get more excited sweetheart" he smirked kissing my cheek .

"Don't call me sweetheart you sound like my dad"

"Woof" he grimanced and i nodded.

"I'll come up with a better pet name" he winked and walked out . Was he flirting? I really can't read this dude ugh !

"Okay then" i muttered and grabbed an outfit . I took a shower , got dressed and headed downstairs.

"Mom where's mariè?"

"She's upstairs packing your brother's bags"

"Okay i don't feel like packing" i whined.

"I'll get mariè to do it okay but this is the last time" mom warned.

"Obviously since im leaving for Italy"

"I still can't believe your dad is shipping you off without even speaking to me"

"I thought he spoke to you last night?"

"Briefly you know how your father is doesn't listen to anyone when it comes to protecting what's his"

"Yeah that's dad at it's finest"

"Yupp" she chuckled.

"I'll go tell mariè to start your packing" she went upstairs and i went to the pool area .

"Alex bro!" I yelled .

"What?" He took off his shades .

"We're going to italy can you fucking believe it?"


"Yeah im going too but im staying with dante"

"Oh no wonder you're so chipper"

Mafia Series #2 : Dad's Italian Mafia FriendWhere stories live. Discover now