Chapter 03

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Alexa Carrington

"Lex" i heard dante's voice and i froze in place . Shit I've been made abort abort!!

"Oh hey" i smiled awkwardly.

"What are you doing in here?"

"Im just looking at YouTube videos"

He walked over to me and saw the video before i could exit . Shit

He pulled me up and wrapped his arms tightly around mine .

"Hey that hurts" i tried pushing him away .

"How much did you hear?"

"Enough to know that you're crime boss"

"Fuck lex" he groaned and held his head in his hands .

"Why can't i know this big secret?"

"Because we have to keep you safe"

"Well im a grown up you can't keep me safe forever"

"Right" he nodded .

"So if alex knew why couldnt i?"

"Your dad didn't want you involved with my life"

"You've been around my whole life but my dad didn't want me involved thats bullshit!"

"Don't yell your dad could come in here"

"So matter of fact let's call him" i was about to head to the door but he pulled me back and pinned me up against the wall .

"Im gonna need you to shut up"

"What why?"

"Let's not tell your dad that you know im a mobster"

"Why would it even matter your more powerful than him"

"Yeah but then i wouldn't be able to see you again"


"Forget it just go to your room and don't  say a word okay?"

"Fine" i mumbled and he let go of me .

I walked out of the office and went straight to the kitchen where i knew alex would be .

"Lexa i was just about to bring your food"

"It's fine I'll eat out here" i sat down on one of the bar stools and alex handed me my food and i started eating . Fuck this is why i love my brother he makes the best food ever!!

"You like?"

"I love" i moaned .

"So why did you come back downstairs you seemed beat"

"Yeah well i felt like spending time with my brother"

"Oh please cute the pastrami"

"What?" I chuckled.

"Im a chef shut up" he rolled his eyes .

"Okay whatever i confirmed what you already knew"

"Okay what is that?"

"That dante is a fucking mobster" i whispered.

"Dude it was so fucking obvious have you seen his tattoos"

"Oh yeah" i smirked .

"Eww" he scrunched his face up in the disgust .

"What that man is sex on legs" i groaned .

"I do not need to hear my baby sister simp over our dad's fucking bestfriend"

"I like who i like" i shurgged.

"Did you ever think about how mom and dad are gonna react to that?"

"I don't plan on telling anyone so keep your mouth shut or i rip out your voice box"


"So where's the dessert" i got up and put my plate in the washer . I looked through the fridge and saw a tub of chocolate ice cream .

"Can i have that?" I pointed at the heavenly treat .

"No that's for tomorrow's breakfast"

"But brother" i whined.

"But nothing"

I huffed and grabbed a tray of ice cubes .

"Oh god not the ice again"

"Yupp hand me the salt"

He rolled his eyes but handed me the salt anyway .

"Goodnight sis"

"Night bro" i smiled and headed up to my room . I sat on my bed , turned on the television and started eating my ice . Aaah this is the life .

I heard a knock on my door and i groaned aloud . I can't have one moment to myself in this house .

"How may i help you" i opened my door and a shirtless dante stood infront of me . Why does this man have to do this to me ?!

"I was just stopping by to tell you im leaving early tomorrow morning"

"You're leaving already?"

"Yeah i have to get back to my familia"

"Oh okay"

"Why do you sound so disappointed?" He raised his brows .

"Im not i just didn't expect for you to leave so soon"

"Yeah i wish i could stay longer"

"Yeah well bye then"  why does he have to leave

He leaned down and kissed my cheek before walking off to his room .
I closed my door again and hopped onto my bed when i heard my phone go off . I took it out of charge and saw max sent me a message  .

"Hey i miss you can't wait to see you tomorrow"

"Max what the hell?"

"Sleep tight my princess we will be together forever soon"

My eyes widened and i smashed my phone against the wall . Fuck!!!
I ran out of my room and straight to my parent's.

"Dad!" I yelled banging on his door .

"Alexa it's late" dad opened the door and looked at me annoyed .

"Dad , max sent me a message saying we will be together forever tomorrow"


"I threw my phone against the wall incase he was tracking it"

"Good call im gonna fly you out with dante"

"Im sorry what?"

"I can't have you in the country with this psycho"

"But dad what about college?"

"Your safety comes first and you can work from your computer"

"Chase you can't send our daughter to italy"

"Yeah i don't know anyone there"

"And it's gonna stay that way , i want you to be off the grid completely"

"Why can't you just send me a gaurd?"

"Because your mother and i are going on a cruise"

"Do you think dante is gonna want me to come with him?"

"Yes ofcourse he's always liked you"


"Chase!" Mom yelled.

"We will talk at breakfast okay?"

"Okay" i nodded and he shut the door .  Fuck i can't deal with this stalker bullshit ...

"Fuck" i kicked my foot against the wall . Okay that hurt pretty bad .
I held my foot in pain and wobbled back to my room . I went over to my blinds and closed it , dimmed the lights and went back to eating my ice although it melted a little .

Mafia Series #2 : Dad's Italian Mafia FriendWhere stories live. Discover now