The Video Store

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                                     Abby's POV

Stu and I walked into the video store, looking for movies to rent for tonight. As we walked in, Randy whizzed by on a cart full of movies. We walked up behind him and Stu knocked the stack of movies out of Randy's hand, "Ohhhh" he said in a funny voice, giggling.

I laughed but helped Randy pick up the movies.

"Dork." Randy said to Stu.

"Jesus, this place is packed tonight man." Stu said.

"We had a run in the mass murder section." Randy replied.

"Comin' to my fiesta?"

"Yeah, I'm off early. Curfew, you know."

A shorter blonde girl walked up to Randy, "What's that werewolf movie with E.T.'s mom in it?" she asked.

"The Howling. Horror. Straight ahead." The girl thanked Randy and then walked towards the horror section.

"Hey Randy, got any recommendations for movies tonight? Preferably something scary," I asked.

Something caught Randy's eye and he completely ignored my question, "Oh, now that's in poor taste."

I rolled my eyes. I hate being ignored. Maybe that's why I like Stu so much.

"What?" Stu asked.

Three sets of eyes turn to see Billy Loomis, in the horror section, talking to two blonde chicks.

"If you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath, would you be standing in the horror section?" Randy said.

I looked to Stu, "What? It was just a misunderstanding he didn't do anything." Stu said nodding in Billy's direction.

"You're such a little lapdog. He's got killer printed all over his forehead."

"Ohhh-kayy!" Stu said in a mocking tone.

"We'll then why'd the cops let him go?" I asked Randy.

"Yeah, smart guy." Stu added, smirking at me.

"Because obviously they don't watch enough movies. This is standard horror movie stuff. Prom Night revisited, man." Randy replied to the both of us.

"Yeah? Well why would he want to kill his own girlfriend?" Stu replied; he put his head on my shoulder.

"There's always some stupid, bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend. That's the beauty of it all: simplicity. Besides, if it gets too complicated, you lose your target audience." Randy explained.

"Well, what's his reason?" Stu said, nodding towards Billy again.

Randy almost whispered, "Maybe Sidney wouldn't have sex with him."

"What is she saving herself for you?" Stu joked.

"She totally is. She has a thing for you Randy." I continued. Stu and I were trying our best to hold in our laughter at this point. Randy was so gullible.

"Really?! Now that Billy tried to mutilate her, do you think she'll go out with me?" Randy asked me.

Stu and I laughed in Randy's face.

Stu put his hand up to his mouth like he was a little girl gossiping about a boy she liked. But then completely changed his facial expression, "No, I don't, at all. No."

"You know who I think it is?" Stu leaned in closer to Randy, "I think it's her father. Why can't they find her pops, man?"

"Because he's probably dead. His body will come poppin' up in the last reel somewhere!" Randy started to raise his voice and continued, "Eyes gauged out, fingers cut off, teeth knocked out!"

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