=<1>= Strange Connection

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           "I'm trying! Okay!?" The rookie whines. Arcee whips around and says "You've got that right!! You're trying to fail us!! YOU NEARLY KILLED JACK!!!" Smokescreen backs up "I get it! Humans squish easily but I didn't know that he'd get in harms way!! I thought he'd be fine!" Arcee points at the rookie "Get your act together or you'll put us all in deep scrap!" Smokescreen nods and walks off. He gets to his room and plops down on his berth, closing his eyes and crying. "Why can't they understand me!?" He whimpers.

The next day came fast. Smokes woke up to hear everyone laughing in the front room. "What's going on?" He asked. Ratchet replies "We're going back to Cybertron!" "Wait, really!!?? It's alive again!!??" The kid exclaims. Ratchet calms him "Well not yet, but it will soon! With the help of these new relics, we'll be getting our planet back!" Smokescreen jumps around joyfully "Oh, I can't wait!!!"

Time went by and the bots started contemplating going back to Cybertron. "I wouldn't make any travel plans just yet." Arcee states. "We still have to locate these Omega Keys and secure them before the cons do." Smokescreen laughs "Yeah, like that'll be a problem, Optimus has the star saber now! Megatron's end is in sight!!" Arcee glares at him, she still wasn't too happy with what he did.

             Soon enough, Prime decodes the first set. "I'm on team one! Who's with me!" Smoke self-claims. Arcee enforces "I'll go." "After you sir,— ma'am...... Commander?" The rookie corrects. The bridge starts up and they go through.

Once on the other side, Smoke looks around to see no con in sight "First ones here!" "No locator beacon, which means the relic's still buried...... right about.... There." Arcee chimes in. They all walk to the area, Smokes was a bit on edge around Arcee after that argument. "Uh, Arcee, I... I owe you an apology. I never meant to endanger Jack.—-" "This isn't just about Jack. Team Prime cant afford any casualties; human or bot. I've already lost 2 season partners, I don't need a rookie on my score card." The cyclist interrupts. Smoke vents "Not gonna happen, elite guardsman's honor..... wait you lost 2 partners?"

The 2 walk through the pyramid and Smoke cracks a joke which Arcee puts into logic. Once they get to a wall, they look to see a detail on it similar to the omega key. "Pretty much spells things out, doesn't it?" The racer remarks. Arcee shakes her head "Come on, help me move this." They get it out of the way and find the key laying down in the tunnel. Arcee picks it up and gives it to Smokescreen.

On their way out, Smokescreen says "The ancient humans must have thought the key was a gift from the gods." Cee comments "In a sense, they weren't wrong." The get out and are met with a con. But it want any ordinary decepticon. It was Megatron.

              The warlord demands "The relic." Smokes counters "2 against 1, we can take him." The gladiator then takes the sword off his back and shows it before swinging it as Arcee tries calling for a bridge. It separates all 3 figures, making them scatter. They stand back up and start shooting at Megatron until the decepticon throws the kid into a pyramid. Arcee stepped away, in shame and disbelief of her losing the kid. Megatron picks up the item and lifts the autobot's chin with his sword, telling her "What manner of treasure did Iacon send us this time? I would slice you in 2 right now, but I need you to deliver a message, tell Optimus Prime that if he wants this relic, he must come and claim it himself!" He throws it down and Cee shortly leaves.

             After that, the decepticon heard clattering. He walks over to the pyramid and sees Smokescreen still alive. He stands up and tries to run outside but the leader grabs him and presses the tip of his sword to the rookie's neck, causing the mech to squeak and whine. Megatron got him to the ground and still held the sword. The dark energon made him fall unconscious soon enough. Megatron laughed and walked away "Way too easy."

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