=< 3 >= Enough For One Night

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Bulkhead grabs the mech's attention "Look, kid. Arcee and Bumblebee are no slouches, and Optimus managed just fine for eons without the big sword; Of course you wouldn't know about that, you've been locked in stasis the whole time we've been fighting this war." Smokescreen starts moving again "Exactly! And I'm ready to make up for lost time!" "When Optimus SAYS you're ready." Bulkhead argues "You gotta be in this for the long haul. Slow and steady wins the race." He finishes while looking to Optimus who was decoding the next set.

Soon enough, Prime announces "The next coordinates are ready!" "There remains one set left to decode." Ratchet adds, launching the groundbridge. Bulkhead steps forward "On it boss." "I'm gonna bring back that key!" Smoke calls out, punching the air. Arcee looks at him and he stops, then beginning to walk correctly. As they get to the edge of the bridge, Cee calls out "Uh, Bulk?" The wrecker looks back to her. She holds up the device "Forgetting something?" The mech walks over and takes it from her servo. The smaller autobot then grabs his wrist and pulls him back down "Keep an eye on destiny's child, okay?" Bulk looks over to him and then back to her "Compared to watching Miko? Puh, piece o' cake!"

The 2 bots then leave, running through the bridge and appearing on the other side in a forest. The 2 stay together until Dreadwing arrives and tries bombing them. Bulkhead then sends the kid off to find the key while himself and Dreadwing go to fight.

Smokescreen runs through the area, shoving branches out of his eye and causing the orange, yellow, and red decorations on them to fly everywhere after the arm swings back. He trips on a log and starts tumbling down a hill. He scratches his arm on a broken tree and dents his shoulder pretty bad on a Boulder at the bottom of the hill. As he goes to stand up, the rock falls on his fingers, yanking him back to the dirt floor. He grunts and tries to get his hand unstuck. Smokescreen then shoots the rock by his hand, burning himself. "OUCH!!!" He screeches, being able to pull his hand loose from the rock because of the adrenaline. He sucks on his finger, looking down at the rock before running again. He transforms into the flashy McLaren he scanned after coming to earth to go faster and catch up with lost time.

Smokescreen eventually gets to the place and starts digging for it, pushing rocks out of his way and onto the ground. He finds it and removes it from its container. He admires it before reminding himself "Destiny." A figure then smacks him from behind and the rookie looses grip on the item, falling forward and hitting the ground, falling unconscious.

When he woke up, Bulkhead was shaking him TO wake him up. "Smokescreen!" He repeated over and over. "W-what happened?" The kid replies. Bulkhead pulls him up by the upper arm and says "That's what I want to know." Smoke yanks his arm away and looks around "The Omega Key!! I-I had it! U-until, something hit me from behind." Bulkhead reminds him that one needs to possess all 4 keys to bring the planet back and they go back to base after that.

At base, Arcee scolds the scrap out of him, telling him about his destiny, that he needs to grow up, all kinds of stuff and Smokescreen took it. "Arcee, you have made your point." Prime states firmly. Said female counters "Optimus, he needs to hear this. You might actually become a great warrior someday, and I sincerely hope that you do, but greatness begins and ends with putting the TEAM first. Not your personal scorecard." "There's nothing I wouldn't do for you guys!" Smokescreen counters defensively. The cyclist finishes "Then stop trying to be a hero, and start being an autobot." Smokescreen growls, his eyes turning away from Arcee and then wandering to Optimus who looked at him in return. He didn't need to say a word. The prime looked to him with agreement in his eyes. Smokescreen vents and turns "You know what? Maybe I'm just not good enough." He then bolts away, transforming and driving out of the base. He didn't want to talk to them anymore. Let's see how long that'll last.

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