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Hermiones POV...

I woke up with a jolt and aw I was in the Hospital Wing. I screamed, my stomach was hurting, a lot! Miss Pomfrey came over and looked at me. She mumbled something that sounded like, "the baby is ready..." , "for what?!" I practically screamed. "To come out..." she said "what! no no no no no no no no no! I'm not ready!" I panicked. "How long have you known that yo were pregnant?" Pomfrey asked "a few months... 5... no... um... 6... YES 5, 5 MONTHS!" I yowled in pain. "You'd usually give birth after 6 or 7 months, but occasionally 4 or 5, not as healthy though..." she mumbled. "Okay! Okay! It hurts! Get it out!" I cried. She took off my school robes and slid a blue and white gown on. "Do you want Mr. Potter in here to hold your hand?" Pomfrey asked. "Yes please" I said crying. She scurried over to the door, cracked it open and poked her head out, then she pulled her head back in and Harry was behind her. He came over quickly and grabbed my hand. "Now on the count of 3, push" she said, I nodded quickly and spread my legs apart. "1, 2, 3, push!"

Ron's POV...

I was walking down the corridor toward Hermione's private dorm (and Harry's), I wanted to confront her about speaking to Luna like that. When I got to their dorm I knocked, no one answered, I knocked again, same response. Maybe their not here... but where would they be?... I tried to think of where they would go.

Luna's POV...

I sniffled, why'd she have to snap at me like that?... she's my friend... isn't she? I mean its not my fault Ron caught her kissing Malfoy and then started going out with me. Where is Ron?... he was with me a minute ago. He said he would wait outside the girls lavertory for me, didn't he. Ugh! I can't think straight! I'm so hungry. It seems like breakfast was so long ago.

Malfoy's POV...

Why did Hermione push me away? Why am I still thinking about it? I kissed her and she pushed me away. Why? Ugh! Do I like her? I dealt my face go red. "Malfoy, you look red as a tomato" one of my friends said, "why can't it be a strawberry?" my other friend asked. They always fight with each other. Ugh, why did she push me away?!

Armionie (a Harry Potter and Hermionie Granger love story)Where stories live. Discover now