New Dorm Room

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Harry's POV...

SCORE!!! Share a room, with Hermione, nobody else, just us?! Life couldn't get any better! I can ask her at any time! We started walking to our new dorm. There was the four houses on four pins in one full picture. Two Gryffindor pins popped out of the picture. They attached themselves to Hermione's and my robes. McGonagall scurried in front of us and said, "now you touch your pins, Potter say, HONOR WIZARD and Granger say, HONOR WITCH". We did as she said and our pins started glowing, the portrait swung forward. We walked forward into the dorm with McGonagall following behind. "There are two rooms. You can figure out who's room is who's easily. There is only one bathroom, since there is only two of you, also the last one is flooded" she muttered the last part and smirked. Yes! I'm going to share a room with Hermione Granger!!! This is awesome! McGonagall left at that moment. I walked up and looked behind one curtain "Mione' this one is yours" I looked over and she was crying.

Hermiones POV...

oh... my... god... I have to share a dorm with Harry, alone, just us. What is wrong with me? I feel... happy for some reason. Harry runs over and hugs me. My face feels so hot. "Hermione, please don't cry" his voice sounds so soothing. "Harry... thank you" I return his hug. We stood there for a while, enjoying our hug. I heard a knock, Harry didn't even jump he just walked over and opened the door. "Ron!" I yell. Harry punches Ron in the face. "Harry!" I yell "Harry!?" Ron asked. "Why in the world would you cheat on Mione'?!" Harry yelled. The color from Ron's face vanished, "Y-you were there" he asked us both. "Ron we're over!" I yelled and slammed the door in his face. I sat down and put my head between my knees, I sat there for a while, crying. Harry sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulder. "Harry" I cried, "I would never do that" he said, this shocked me, was he implying he wanted to go out with me? "Harry, I don't know what's wrong with me" I told him. "Nothing's wrong with you, you're perfect" he told me.

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