The Morning After

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Mina's POV
I woke Billie up in a special way that morning. Let's just say that, instead of saying good morning, she moaned a lot.

The previous night was amazing. We had adult hugs in every room apart from y/n and Michael's. Billie wouldn't stop until I had an oregano (😭) on every fucking stair and there were 16 of those.

We made pancakes together around 9 and then y/n came home with Michael at around 12.

"Mums!" She yelled, when she saw us together in the kitchen.
"Hey, darling. How was last night?" My wife smiled, lacing her fingers into mine.
"It was awesome, Michael put a spell on the tent so that it was huge inside!" She rushed, grinning at us, "And I have something for you!".

And then she was gone. She left the cottage and and back down the path in the direction of our wedding.
"Oh I think I know what it is," I smiled, watching her run away.
"What is it?"
"I can't tell you that," I grinned, kissing her softly and then we were making out on the kitchen chairs, me straddling Billie's lap.

"Umm... Mums?" Y/n laughed. Shit.
"Hey," I said, pretending I hadn't been swallowing Billie, even though I was still on top of her.

I got off and we were dragged into the living room.

"Good morning, ladies," Michael laughed, watching y/n push me on the sofa and putting Billie on my knee.
"Hey," we both smiled. Billie tried to get off me, but I was faster than her and I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her back onto me in a second.

"So are you ready for your wedding present?" Y/n beamed, holding something behind her back. I was pretty sure it was that purple scrapbook that she had in the outpost. She had made it for our wedding three years ago, but that didn't go as planned. She had still held onto it though, "Now, Mum," she pointed at me, "you've already seen this but you weren't mean to, so you're just going to pretend you didn't," and then she handed Billie the book, wrapped in cream wrapping paper.

"What is it?" Billie smiled at me.
"Open it!"
"OK OK, I'm opening it," she laughed.

"Aww, y/n," she whispered, opening the book to the first page. She was met with us at our practise wedding and y/n's note to us. Billie was careful not to let her tears hit the book and I squeezed her a little tighter.

I let her get up and hug y/n, both of them crying onto each other. Michael and I weren't too sure what to do so we just sort of sat there and looked at them.

We all looked through the book, laughing and sharing stories. Then we got to yesterday's pictures. Y/n said Michael had helped put them all in and all of a sudden, I fully trusted the man in the room.

  I could see he was interested in our previous lives and he listened to every word y/n said. He would ask questions and smile and I realised that he really did want to be in her life.  I felt guilty, when I thought about how I had previously viewed Michael and I made a mental note to talk to him later on.

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