Let Me Feed You

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Saiki's POV

There was a knock on the door to which my mother answered. " Oh, you must be one of Ku's friends he'll be down in a minute, he's putting his swimsuit on." My mom said. I wonder who it could be ? I would take off my ring but then I would be spoiled instantly to that new game.

My swimsuit was a little tight on my waist but nothing to bad, that's what I get for not buying a new swimsuit. I walked downstairs to see Aren Kuboyasu, the ex-delinquent. He was staring right at me. " Hey, Saiki are you ready to go ? " Aren said while waving me over to by him and my mom. I nodded to which my mom opened the door for us. She waved goodbye while me and Aren walked down the street. " Oh yeah, Kaido wanted me to tell you that your friend is also going to the beach with us." Aren said with a grin on his face.
" Hmm" I replied with not knowing who he was talking about.

" You know the one who's a spirit medium, has purple hair" Aren said . Oh he's talking about Toritsuka. Me and Toritsuka aren't friends, he's just another nuisance. Toritsuka is probably only going since there will be girls in bikini's there.

Me and Aren talked until we got to the beach, it was mainly just him trying to make small talk with me though.

" Hey, Saiki, Aren were over here" Kaido shouted while waving his arm at us. Aren smiled and then ran over to them leaving me alone. Something seemed off, I couldn't see him. " BOO" someone yelled at me then wrapped their arms around my waist. I jumped a little, I wasn't used to being surprised liked this. I looked over a little to see who it was, Toritsuka of course." Hey, Saiki were you actually surprised ?" Toritsuka asked me with a cheeky grin on his face. I nodded and then looked away with a slight blush on my face, maybe it was because I was embarrassed or is it the embrace that Toritsuka put me in ? "I can't believe that I scared a powerful physic" Toritsuka said in a teasing tone. " Shut up" I said while pushing him off of me and walking over to the others.

I think I heard him say something but it was to quite to exactly know what he said it sounded like he said " No I don't shut up, I grow up and when I look at you I throw up" he couldn't have said that it's just way to stupid.

I looked around to see everybody but for some odd reason they were all staring at me other then Mera, she was to busy eating all the food in a picnic basket, someone must of brought it here so we could eat. " Ooh Hey ,Saiki " Teruhashi shouted while running over to me with her girlfriend, Imu. " Why is your face so red ?" Imu asked me while Teruhashi was giggling next to her. " Did you get sunburnt already? " Kaido said . I just gave them all a confused face and then sat down in the shade under the umbrella.

After a little awhile everyone was spread out. The girls were all swimming , Aren and Kaido were building a sandcastle together, Nendo was getting covered in sand by Hairo. I'm glad that everyone's having fun. Soon though I was interrupted out of thought by someone who sat down right next to me." There's some coffee jelly in that picnic basket" Toritsuka said while pointing at it. I looked into his eye's and then he smiled. " I made sure that girl wouldn't have ate it" he said. For some weird reason he's been a little clingy today.

Toritsuka moved over a little to the picnic basket and got coffee jelly, some cream and a spoon. He then moved back over to where he was originally sitting. I watched as he opened up the coffee jelly, I was almost drooling at it. He then put the cream on the coffee jelly. I really want to ask for a bite but that would be weird. Toritsuka then put the spoon in the coffee jelly and got some of it. He then inched a little closer to me and put the spoon up to my mouth. " Open ah" Toritsuka said while laughing a little. Blush spread all over my face and I started to get this weird feeling again. I opened my mouth a little and then he put the spoon in it. The coffee jelly was just so delicious. I love it so much. I looked at his face and it was extremely red. Our eye's met and then he looked away right away.

He took the spoon out of my mouth.
" Toritsuka, what are you exactly doing"  I asked while still savoring some of that coffee jelly he gave me. He looked away and then said " Let me feed you"

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