Play date :)

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Mad Dadza , annoyed Techno

Ranboo and Tommy

Tubbo and Purpled

Phil and Techno

Phil, Techno, and Ranboo all live together in a cottage. Ranboo has been leaving with a small bag on his back without saying anything and both Techno and Phil have been getting pretty curious, and with Ranboo not answering any of their questions they both go to follow him into the woods to find out where hes going/what hes doing.

none <3


Ranboo was in his room looking around for a small wooden box. He looked through most of his chests before looking in his closet then going to his ender chest. "⎎⍜⎍⋏⎅ ⟟⏁!" (translation- found it!) he picked up the box with the crayons in it and put it into his bag, standing, and walking out of the room.

Once he was out of the room he put the bag properly on his back while walking to the door. Though on his way out, he failed to notice Phill and Tecno following him out.

They watched as the tall man got far enough away before looking at eachother and agreeing to follow him. They walked far behind Ranboo but not too far, close enough to be able to see him but not be seen. Ranboo walked into a small patch where no one seemed to be. The two boys stood behind a tree watching carefully trying to see what he had been doing for the past week and a half.

Ranboo got out a picnic blanket and spread it out on the ground around him. He then proceeded to get out s few toys, coloring books, and the wooden box full of crayons. he smiled as he got out his communicator and message tubbo.

Ranboo wispered to tubbo- Hey im here, got everything?

Tubbo wispered back- Yah! i has eveytin! bubs and buba getin ready now!

Ranboo wispered to tuboo- Alright little one, see you soon

He then put up the communicator and sat down on the grass enjoying the sun.

*Lazy author time skip*

Ranboo had been sitting there for quite some time, Techno and Phil where confused on not only what he was doing but also why was he there with childrens toys. Soon Tubbo, Purpled, and Tommy came through the other side of the trees surprising the two. Ranboo smiled, sitting up, as tubbo and Purpled ran up to him hugging him.

Techno looked at Phil who seemed to be kinda mad. Techno also felt a bit of annoyance rise up as Ranboo had said that he didn't still talk to tommy or purpled. he was upset. Not that they still hung out. But that he had lied. to everyone.

It was definitely annoying and a bit rude as Ranboo knows his hatred towards Tommy and this felt like a betrail, but it wasn't enough to hurt Techno.

Though on the other hand Phil didn't just seemed annoyed. He seemed mad. This was pretty new to Techno as he'd expected Phil to not care. but it didn't seem that way.

Techno looked at Ranboo and the others and noticed that Tubbo and Prupled had a pacifier in their mouths. 'pacifiers-?' he asked himself quietly.

then it clicked,

Age regression. thats what was going on. Thats why Tubbo and Purpled were talking differently, thats why there where childrens toys and little gear everywhere. It all made sense now. He looked at Phil who seemed to be pretty mad still and quietly told him they had to go.

Phil and Techno quietly left trying to make sure that no one heard. but it was apparent that someone did.

Purpled pointed to the trees.

"Papa!" He said to Ranboo "Noises!" Ranboo giggled and told him it was probably just a wild animal and to not go mess with it. Purpled nodded and smiled.

"Bubsbubs!!" Tubbo said pulling on tommys shirt. Tommy looked at Tubbo and tilted his head. "Yes little bee, something up?" He said politely. "Pay wif meee!!" Ranboo looked at tubbo. "What do we say?" he said with a smile. "...Mmm.. Peass?" Tommy nodded sitting down with the regessed boy.

He started to play with Tubbo. He seemed to be playing some sort of game of house with the stuffed animals. Ranboo and Purpled seemed to have fallen asleep, Purpled in Ranboos lap with a paci in his mouth.

After an hour of playing with Tubbo, Tommy set down the stuffys and smiled. "Hey little bee?" Tubbo nodded. "Can you wake up Purpled and Ranboo for me? Imma get yalls snacks and drinks out." Tubbo nodded once again and crawled over to Ranboo and Purpled.

He tapped on Purpled which woke him up and the movement of Purpled seemed to have woken Ranboo up. Tubbo giggled and pointed at Tommy who was making two bottles for the mentally younger two and got out the snacks they had both picked.

Soon after everyone had eaten it started to become dark. thankfully the walk to where the others lived wasn't that far. Ranboo looked at Tommy, to the sky, and back to him, singling that it was starting to get dark.

"Hey little ones? Yall getting tired?" Tommy asked softly. Both the littles gave small little nods. Tommy nodded to Ranboo. He then got up and started to put things away making sure both littles had their paci and favorite stuffys  while the rest was put away. Ranboo then stood up holding both Tubbo and Purpled on his hip, and got out of the way so Tommy could put up the rest.

Once everything was put up, Tommy grabbed his and Ranboo's bag and began to walk with Ranboo back to his own house. They then put both the littles to bed and made sure they were asleep before Tommy said bye to Ranboo and left.

Ranboo then proceeded to walk home,  once he had walked in the door there was Phil who looked mad, and Techno who had his emotionless expression on his face.

"Hey.. is.. something- wrong?"


A/n- Hey! This was the first story i wrote but i didn't know if i should have posted it so im posting it now and please tell me on anything i should inprove on! :] Remember to vote ^^ (also sorry that its kinda short, may make a part two :])

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