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Sky's pov:

I fell into Mason's arms, trying to make it as believable as possible, and felt it as he picked us up and ran into the doctor's wing. I hear Drevon following us. Perfect.

"What's wrong?" Mason asks, playing along.

"Something is wrong with the little one. Please check her over." I tell him, kissing her on the head as a goodbye.

Mason takes her, nods at me, and then leaves the room to "run some tests".

"Are you okay?" Drevon asks me, taking hold of my hand.

"Yeah, I feel fine now, just nervous about the little one." I tell him, putting on my best fake smile and loving look while facing him.

"That's good. I'm sure she's fine." He tells me.

"Distract me." I tell him. "Let's talk about something else."

"Well there is something I want to talk to you about, I just wasn't sure now was a good time, but I guess it's better now than never." He says to me, before taking a breath and continuing. "Do you remember our conversation about marking and mating, and how we agreed to wait until our little one was born before talking about it? Well, she's born now, so when do you think would be a good time to do it?"

'Well, this was not the way I thought the conversation would go.'

Mason's pov:

I held Luna Sky's baby girl in my arms as I in through the halls, starting to notice some guards and rogues fall to the floor.

I guess the plans working, I just hope the drugs last long enough for all of us to escape.

I run to the rooms where all the hostages are and see people already waiting there for me. I take the keys Sky stole from Alpha Drevon out and unlock the door and push it open. I then unlock every room and make sure no one is left behind before following my wife and child out.

We leave the house and head straight for the woods, not noticing the people waiting for us in them.

Hunter's pov:

We surround the area from which these people are trying to escape into and make sure there is no way anyone could run away. I watch them all, trying to figure out what their plan is.

"Is Luna Sky not coming with us?" I hear one of the men say.

"She will be, but she wants us to go first." The man who carried Sky in earlier spoke this time.

"But is she stays..." Some else started to speak but got cut off.

"I know."

After that was said, everyone went silent.

'What are they talking about?'

The man gave the woman beside him a baby and whispers in her ear and then kisses the boy on the other side of him on the head. He then turns to everyone again.

"Luna Sky has given you all the information you need. Remember to use human transport until you get to Alpha Hunter Knights pack. We don't know what other packs may do to a large group of wolves. And please try and stay safe." He says before turning around. "I almost forgot. Luna Sky's only request is to make sure her mate gets their child safely. Luna Sky also wants her mate to name their child, please make sure he knows that."

Before he's able to walk away, I'm already walking toward him. When they notice me, men are growling and standing in front of their mates and pups, willing to protect them; even if it costs them their lives.

I ignore them all as I feel my pack letting themselves be known, telling everyone to step down, otherwise it will get messy.

"Who are you?" The man speaking earlier asks me.

"I'm Alpha Hunter Knight. I believe you were just talking about me, my mate and child." I tell him.

"Prove it."

'Wow, this man is brave, or maybe he's just stupid?'

"Alright." I say, lifting my left hand, showing off my wedding ring. "Does this prove it?"

The man goes to the baby and moves the blanket, that she is wrapped up in, and picks something up and then turns around to face me again. He looks at what's in his hand and then at my hand a couple of times and then smiles slightly. He picks up the baby and walks toward me.

"Do you have any other proof?" He asks.

I get my phone out and show him some photos of me and Sky on it.

"Is this enough proof now?"

He nods and then gives me my child.

"I believe this is your daughter, Alpha."

My child. I have a child. I have a baby girl, and Goddess she is beautiful, just like her mother.

I'm holding my daughter for the first time. Wow, I was expecting to just save and bring home my mate, but now I have a daughter. This is definitely a bonus to my trip here.

She wriggles in my arms and then she opens her eyes. She has my eyes. She looks exactly like Sky, but she has my eyes. Beautiful.

"I believe this is yours as well, Alpha." The man tells me, handing me Sky's wedding ring.

I squeeze it in one hand while bringing my daughter closer to me with the other.

"Alpha, what's the plan?" James asks me, coming out of the shadows.

"It's time to get our Luna back."


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