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Drevon's pov:

I remove the needle from her neck as she falls limp into my arms. I feel a smile form on my lips as I see her neck bare of any mark, and then I start to imagine my mark there and my smile grows even bigger.

I hear the door open and in walks Mason, the doctor I took from the last pack we destroyed.

"Will it work?" I ask him.

"It should Alpha." Mason tells me.

"Good. Wouldn't want her to remember her mate now she's mine, would we?" I ask.

"No Alpha, we wouldn't." He responds, pleasing both me and my beast.

I think back to all the tests we did to make sure that the drugs would work. All the packs we took over to use as test subjects. All the deaths it took until it became perfect for her. All the mates that had to feel their bond break and die from heartache before it became perfect for her. Now all I have to do is wait for her to wake up and make her believe she's my mate.

"Alpha, there is something I have to tell you." Mason says, his voice wavering slightly.

I turn to face him and nod, telling him to hurry up and speak before I get annoyed that he is still here, disturbing my precious time with my mate.

"When I was running some tests to make sure nothing was wrong with the last injection, I found something." He says.

"And what was that?" I question him, getting annoyed that he is taking so long telling me what's wrong.

"She is pregnant Alpha." He says quickly, looking scared to how I may respond.


She is pregnant.

I think of many different scenarios about what I should do and when I decide on the best option I tell Mason what he has to do.

"Make sure she doesn't lose the baby. It will make it more believable that we are mates if she is pregnant."

"Will do Alpha."

"If anything happens to them, you know what I will do to your family, right?" I threaten him.

"Of course, Alpha." I hear him say, as he walks out of the room.

This baby is now mine, just like she is. I think about our future and I can't stop the smile appearing on my face again.

Who knows if she would have been able to get pregnant with my child, she's special after all. This little one will be powerful, I just know it.

If it's a little girl, I'm going to treat her like a princess and make sure she gets what her heart desires.

If it's a little boy, I will train him to be a beast just like me and make sure he understands the power of fear and when he gets older I will bring him to her old pack and kill everyone and let him have the pleasure of killing his own father, without realising it.

Imagining the pain that will bring her ex-mate makes me laugh out loud.

'Oh, this is going to be fun.' I think as I pick up my mate and bring her to our room.

Now let the fun begin.


Tom Hiddleston as Mason.

Let me know what you think.


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